4 Months POST, STILL LOW!?


New member
Ok, did a Test/Tren/Dbol cycle, got blood work done dirrectly after cycle which were as follows:

Total test: 1252..........285-900 HIGH
Free test: 503............50-247 HIGH
% Free: 4.0................1.8-3.2 HIGH
SBG: 4.......................10-74 LOW

FSH: 0.5...........1.4-18.1 LOW
LH: 0.1..........1.5-9.3 LOW

NOW 4 Months later they are:

Test: 235
Free: 35
Fsh: 2.5
LH: 1.5

So, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) coming up? Or give it more time? She wants to recheck in 3 months...

I did Testopro, stoked and DAA during the last 4 month time off, apperently they dont work?!
Lol i was 23 on my 1st cycle too but anyway yea if your total test was 800 prior u definately have a problem and should go see an endocrinologist. Did u do post cycle therapy (pct) for long enough? since it takes time to get referals, what i would do is get on ZMA (zinc magnesium) and any other natural test boosters u can get your hands on bro. try some different brands other than testopro and DAA... maybe try post cycle therapy (pct) all over again with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to kick start your natural production again? i hope other bro's give their opinions.... best of luck bro!
Run clomid for 4 weeks at 40/40/40/40 and see if you get any better and get blood test again. If your still down there, go to an endo.