4 Weeks to Go!!

awesome, back and traps only look small in comparison to your huge arms!

looks like you will be dialed in bro! good job.

great quads btw, need to work on hams and calves in the future though.
you are looking amazing bro only thing i can say that might need a little work is your lats... dont get me wrong but looking at you it looks like with your genetic make up your could make em a little bigger... i am by no means saying you dont look good i am mearly stating a what i see as a lagging body part IMO :D

but still looking awsome
David Gilmour said:
Your're abs and obliques are looking awesome..

nice shoes too!

yeah lol allstars! the best squat shoe!

looking great mike, it looks to me like youre closer than 4 weeks out.
what will your carb/water depletion and carb up look like? are you going to use diuretics?
jediclampet - I am 5'9" tall

That-Guy - I totally agree with you. My back needs some more thickness and width. I will be focusing on that next year.

outlawtas2 - Thanks! My main thing I am doing is cardio, at least an hour per day, doing intervals is really making a difference. As far as "supps", T3/Clen for cutting. Test Prop/Tren/Halos for AAS.

Warmachine - Thanks bro. I will carb deplete on M-W, then start carb loading Thursday afternoon and continue until show time. I will probably drop water starting Friday afternoon. I will also be doing the sodium load and cut along with the carbs.

Thanks everyone! I will be taking some more pics this Saturday, which will be 2 weeks out. Getting very vascular with the Halos.
do you work out? lol everything is looking mad big, it looks like you hit up the compound movements hard. Those are some big ass quads.
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Thanks everyone. I will be posting some updated pics this weekend at 2 weeks out. Should be some good progress.
Your precontest prep looks like its right on track for 4 weeks out. You're gonna drop weight like mad now. You still have some cutting to go in the upper body, but the transformation from your original photos really shows. 4 weeks should be just right to nail it. You have worked hard dude. WTG!

Excellent striations in the quads in your abs/quads pose. Wish I had those wheels. You'll benefit from having your midsection as tight and lean as possible come contest to make your v-taper even better. I look forward to seeing your photos in 4 weeks.

Great work.
whats your diet look like, you look awesome man. You have to be eating a ton for someone that is dieting. BTW how old are you, just curious.
Thanks bro.

Diet is as follows:

Meal 1 - Shake = 2cups water, 1cup oatmeal, 2 scoops protein, 2 tbsp flax oil
Meal 2(Post-workout) - 1cup oatmeal w/ 4 tsp brown sugar, 2 scoops protein
Meal 3 - 2 chicken breast, 1 large potatoe, 1 cup brocolli
Meal 4 - 2 chicken breast, 1 large potatoe, 1 cup brocolli
Meal 5 - 1 chicken breast, 1cup brocolli
Meal 6 - 2 scoops protein, 1tbsp peanut butter on rice cake

This is for my big muscle groups like Legs, Back, Chest.
The other days it is similair, but I stop the carbs at Meal 3.
crazymike said:
jediclampet - I am 5'9" tall

That-Guy - I totally agree with you. My back needs some more thickness and width. I will be focusing on that next year.

outlawtas2 - Thanks! My main thing I am doing is cardio, at least an hour per day, doing intervals is really making a difference. As far as "supps", T3/Clen for cutting. Test Prop/Tren/Halos for AAS.

Warmachine - Thanks bro. I will carb deplete on M-W, then start carb loading Thursday afternoon and continue until show time. I will probably drop water starting Friday afternoon. I will also be doing the sodium load and cut along with the carbs.

Thanks everyone! I will be taking some more pics this Saturday, which will be 2 weeks out. Getting very vascular with the Halos.
will you change your anabolics or youl run prop to the end ?