40 and very low test. Just got my total test number.

So I met the doc for a follow up today and he did prescribe test c injectable after I expressed concerns about test patch and gel he started with. He said what many of u have been told: okay but most people don't like injections because it's once every 2 weeks and people don't feel well. I educated him about the half life of test c and e and explained why u would feel bad after a few days if u had to wait 11 days for another dose and that's why they should be done twice weekly. He said oh he had no idea. He wants to start on test c at 100 mg over 2 weeks. So that's 25mg a shot. My test level is now 61. I just don't think that's a high enough dose for emergent test levels like I have. He said he knows we would have to increase the dose later and wants to retest me in about a month. He mentioned nothing about an AI or hcg or monitoring e2. Although I could get test for prob 9$ at Walmart pharmacy I think if rather have IMT guiding me through sound endocrinological care in order to recover even though it costs more.
At that dose - high estrogen is likely not a concern. Also - you can go without HCG for now... or forever.

I would be most concerned getting your dose to 70-100mg a week, 50mg per injection E3.5D being ideal to start. Thats the goal!

50mg a week is pathetic. He wants you to inject, over the course of two weeks, what some guys here do every 3.5 days. Most common starting dose is 100mg a week. Tell him that.

Print these slides for reference and watch the video! Slides say to start at 70mg weekly... so maybe use another reference, but still good info. Dr. Crisler is a really smart guy and does something most Dr's don't - trys to educate the masses with their protocols and beliefs.


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I talked to IMT and we are going to try an HPTA restart because all my problems started after a test and nandrolone cycle. In my mind that HAS to be the reason my test is suddenly so low. Bloodwork will be posted later to assess progress. I really don't want to start TRT at age 40. Fingers crossed this will work.
TRT will speed up the process if you are prone to hair loss. Sounds like you are not prone to it. Who cares though? Have hair vs. feel like a man?

Can you post all your labs?

not just that, but its gonna go if its gonna go... I accepted it long ago. shave it IMO.