400mg/ml ... gear color all about carrier ?


New member
Hey guys so i recieved my order today .. Ordered some TNT ... source has always been good . but now they have a new lab in ... So im trying it .
Its Test E 200mg and Tren E 200mg .... is it possible for the gear at that dose (400mg) to be very light colour yellow .. Is it realy all in the carrier that matters most .. possible for this mix to be like that ? thanks i advance
Tren will add *some* color, but all the good brewers I know say that if it's really dark, the tren was burned - causing oxidation. Looks good to me, although carrier is USUALLY the big factor.
Halfwit is correct about the color...

The higher the purity, the light the color... when it is refined to greater than 99.5% purity
then the color in solution actually gives it a light golden color... much like other
testosterone products.
Thank you guys .. im hoping on this .. i guess ill know ina couple weeks . Source has been good with other labs .. but this on is new to me and different from their other labs ive had whcih have been much darker .. wait and see !