400mg Test E & 25mg dbol... Do i have gyno??


New member
I started a cycle of Test E 400mg a week and 25mg dbol daily. I startes at 187lbs. 19%bf
Now on week 10 im at 205lbs. 20%bf.
At the star of the cycle i was taking .25mg of adex but my joints would hurt while on adex so i stopped it. I would check my blood pressure daily and when it was going up i would start the adex at .25mg eod when the joints started acting up i would stop it again.
Last night i was checking for gyno and noticed slighy pain next to my nipple but did not notice any lumps. Its not on the nipple or behind it, but just outside of the areola.
I can feel pain when i lightly push my fingers over the area. what do guys think.
If you really want to know you need to do blood work. Joints getting achey is most likely because you crashed your e2.
First stop playing with your tits. That will just make it worse.

Next get blood work.

Next read the gyno thread included in the link found in my signature below.
You have glands all around your areola and can get presnickity with fluctuating hormones doesn't mean you have gyno. I've had those symptoms before once i got a handle on my AI dosage problem solved you need to get your ai dialed in and e2 in a stable range.

Not going to do it feel need bloodwork like Megatron said.

I dud so much blood work learning what worked for me the people at labcorp and quest know me by name. Its money well spent
You have glands all around your areola and can get presnickity with fluctuating hormones doesn't mean you have gyno. I've had those symptoms before once i got a handle on my AI dosage problem solved you need to get your ai dialed in and e2 in a stable range.

Not going to do it feel need bloodwork like Megatron said.

I dud so much blood work learning what worked for me the people at labcorp and quest know me by name. Its money well spent

Thanks, you think i should hold on the meds (nolvadex/ arimidex ) till i know for sure?
I started a cycle of Test E 400mg a week and 25mg dbol daily. I startes at 187lbs. 19%bf
Now on week 10 im at 205lbs. 20%bf.
At the star of the cycle i was taking .25mg of adex but my joints would hurt while on adex so i stopped it. I would check my blood pressure daily and when it was going up i would start the adex at .25mg eod when the joints started acting up i would stop it again.
Last night i was checking for gyno and noticed slighy pain next to my nipple but did not notice any lumps. Its not on the nipple or behind it, but just outside of the areola.
I can feel pain when i lightly push my fingers over the area. what do guys think.

Thanks, ill read some more. Its just that i could not find anything similar to what i was describing.
Lol if it makes you feel any better I'm in the same boat as you are right now. I'm just waiting for some blood tests to come back to see what my estrogen levels are at. Once I get my blood tests back then I will know what to do. It is stressful that is for sure I'm afraid of having one big tit and one small tit and people calling me biggy smalls lol. I heard that joke some where I forget where ha ha ha ha.
Sao Palo ? That city makes Houston Tex look like Mayberry RFD....it goes on forever. Man..that was my Bankok when I had 2 eye s 2 knee s and 2 big balls lol.

Permisso ...you are running 2 very highly aromatizing compounds. A real e z way to see if the e2 is to blame is DROP THE DBOL. At 25 mg s it s not a large dose but it is a mo fo with gyno. And 400 mg test is not high either. U realize that in 10 weeks most of your weight is water ?U still need bw, of course.
But why people don t do the easiest thing 1 st like drop an oral and by the end of a week that is one variable gone. Why not try it ? All u got to lose is water and maybe just the right amount of aroma. test into estro. that you unfuck urself by simply stopping the d bol.
It is the easiest thing to do for a possible quick fix. U ll have to deal with the water drop ur puffed up on anyway.
How old are u ? Are your joint s so worn or are u old brittle and feeble like me that that low of an ai dose actually manifests itself w joint pain ?

Dbol is my favorite anti depressant but it does make water retention an issue and cause my nip s to itch...but I like it when MY nip s are sensitive...but that s me.
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Lol if it makes you feel any better I'm in the same boat as you are right now. I'm just waiting for some blood tests to come back to see what my estrogen levels are at. Once I get my blood tests back then I will know what to do. It is stressful that is for sure I'm afraid of having one big tit and one small tit and people calling me biggy smalls lol. I heard that joke some where I forget where ha ha ha ha.

Sao Palo ? That city makes Houston Tex look like Mayberry RFD....it goes on forever. Man..that was my Bankok when I had 2 eye s 2 knee s and 2 big balls lol.

Permisso ...you are running 2 very highly aromatizing compounds. A real e z way to see if the e2 is to blame is DROP THE DBOL. At 25 mg s it s not a large dose but it is a mo fo with gyno. And 400 mg test is not high either. U realize that in 10 weeks most of your weight is water ?U still need bw, of course.
But why people don t do the easiest thing 1 st like drop an oral and by the end of a week that is one variable gone. Why not try it ? All u got to lose is water and maybe just the right amount of aroma. test into estro. that you unfuck urself by simply stopping the d bol.
It is the easiest thing to do for a possible quick fix. U ll have to deal with the water drop ur puffed up on anyway.
How old are u ? Are your joint s so worn or are u old brittle and feeble like me that that low of an ai dose actually manifests itself w joint pain ?

Dbol is my favorite anti depressant but it does make water retention an issue and cause my nip s to itch...but I like it when MY nip s are sensitive...but that s me.

Thanks, yeah i dropped the dbol. The sensitivity is gone and the joints are getting better. Im 33 so i think the joint pain is due to low estrogen.
First stop playing with your tits. That will just make it worse.

Next get blood work.

Next read the gyno thread included in the link found in my signature below.

Thats what she said. Add thw adex back and cut the dose and you will see you drop some water. 200 mg of potassium a day woll also help on the water retention. You need to hit the diet hard you should be up 15 pounds more if you didnt take the Adex.