New member
Hey guys
I recently bought some vials of test e enough to blast 400mg/wk for 13weeks then cruise on 200mg of test.
I have an AI on hand, armidex, don't think I will need a prolactin but if you guys think it will be safer then I will grab some. I intend on meal.prepping this entire cycle clean bulk all of it with 2 cheat meals a week.
Age 21
Height 5'7
Weight: 180 pounds
Bf %: 12-14
I want to be a national level body builder hence why i am using aas
I recently bought some vials of test e enough to blast 400mg/wk for 13weeks then cruise on 200mg of test.
I have an AI on hand, armidex, don't think I will need a prolactin but if you guys think it will be safer then I will grab some. I intend on meal.prepping this entire cycle clean bulk all of it with 2 cheat meals a week.
Age 21
Height 5'7
Weight: 180 pounds
Bf %: 12-14
I want to be a national level body builder hence why i am using aas