400mg Test e First Cycle opinion.


New member
Hey guys

I recently bought some vials of test e enough to blast 400mg/wk for 13weeks then cruise on 200mg of test.

I have an AI on hand, armidex, don't think I will need a prolactin but if you guys think it will be safer then I will grab some. I intend on meal.prepping this entire cycle clean bulk all of it with 2 cheat meals a week.


Age 21
Height 5'7
Weight: 180 pounds
Bf %: 12-14

I want to be a national level body builder hence why i am using aas
No to keep gains, you will never keep gains if u do pct, its jistva matter of time till they go, this is backed up by professional body builders: jerry (Bios3RawTv) (tigerfitness) and my close friend is on **** threads and they even say it.
U won't keep everything on a cruise either. Your very misinformed guy. A cruise dose basically replaces your natural test levels. Being only 21, I have no idea why u would want to do that. Nevermind what national level bodybuilders use.
You need time off. You want the best effects of the AAS's so taking breaks is a must imo. Your body will get used to bein g "on" and your gains will not be as large even when you blast.
Do your 13 wks then do proper PCT......stay off AT LEAST the tim e you were on and then you will make your best gains with cycling your anabolics IMO.

Good luck on your dreams as one has to dream before thit can become a reality!!!!! ;-)
Thanks gator, would clomid be sufficient at 40/40/20/20 two weeks after last pin? I just feel the if I'm spending excess of ##### I don't want gains going I want to maintain 80% until next cycle. Any advice on how to?
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Nt if the cruise is 5 times the normal test lvls I'm sure they will be able to.. I'm not that misinformed I have spoken to these youtubers personally and they agree and if they ae national pro body builders giving this advice I'm sure they are knowledgable. However I will consider pct but if I loose more than 50% of my gains until the next cycle I will be very unhappy hahahaha
You need time off. You want the best effects of the AAS's so taking breaks is a must imo. Your body will get used to bein g "on" and your gains will not be as large even when you blast.
Do your 13 wks then do proper PCT......stay off AT LEAST the tim e you were on and then you will make your best gains with cycling your anabolics IMO.

Good luck on your dreams as one has to dream before thit can become a reality!!!!! ;-)

This is good advice. Me personally, Id wait a few years to cycle bro, youre a young guy and have a lot of years you could pack on muscle naturally before you start screwing around with your hormonal system. Go the natural road until that road come to a hault, then gear up.

Just my .02, i wish i had waited a little longer ;)
You won't lose gains running PCT unless you have surpassed your genetic potential. I am guessing you are not at that point yet.