41 year old first cycle, how does it look?


New member
Ok so background info Im 41, lifted on and off my whole life. pretty much figure I am maxed out naturally. Im 6-2 and weight #240 and last check was around 12% bfat, I Have read so many cycle threads they are all running together in my head and I cant get the nerve up to settle on one and just go for it, so I figure I best post what I bought and how I think I should start.
Qty - 1 TEST CYPIONATE 250mg/ml 10ML
Qty -1 - DECA 300(Nandrolone Deconate) 300mg/ml 10ML
Qty-1--NOLVADEX 10mg $100 per 100 tabs
Qty- 1-HCG 5000iu vial $40 each

this is what I have on hand and at the moment and all i can get, if its not gonna workout or not safe then I will just not take it, my health and sex life are more important to me so I dont want to run the risk of reducing either one.
My initial plan was 1cc of test and 1 cc of deca per week for 10 weeks followed by a nolvadex tab every 2 days.
then more reading and hearing more n more about the dreaded deca dick it was suggested to shorten the deca cycle to 7 weeks and continue the test up until week 10, ok so that for some reason makes sense in my head the idea being the test counter acts the limp effects of deca and dropping the deca before the test the deca should be out of the system before the test,,right or wrong it sounded good.
then I read the test only first cycle suggestions, ok that all sounded good but a local friend how is on test therapy for life says your over 40, run them both u wont have any trouble and you will get so much more out of it and your aching shoulder and knee will love the deca. now I want to believe him but Im going back to the fact that he is on test therapy for life for doing to much in the 90's and Im just not sure i totally trust his advice. and I sure as hell dont wanna end up on test therapy for life, my insurance isnt that good..lol so Im gonna stop at this and see what you guys have to say.
tbonexl, thanks I have been there and read it multiple times, I dont want to do 12 weeks, and I dont have and cannot get Exemestane, i dont have clomid, and I only have 1 vial HCG 5000iu. I cannot get my hands on anything else for a while so this is what i have , and I really didnt want to do 500mg of test cyp a week It was suggested that I just do 250mg a week and that was a safe doseage with really low chances of any sides. so thanks for the link it just doesnt help me much. If what I have wont work for me then as I said I will just skip it and go buy more creatine..lol
and one more question my HCG came in a vial in liquid form? I was totally expecting powder or a vial with a tablet?
Basically what you have and what you were told ain't going to work. I don't know why you ask for great advice but only want to accept sub par advice. You can get ai's at the top of the page from rui. A cycle of 250mgs a week is almost a trt dose. So what are you really wanting to hear?
Read through the steroid profiles at the top of page too. 10 weeks of test is borderline too short with that ester. Deca is way to short of a run. Or go talk to your buddy. Whatever you want to do...
You want to drop the deca at week 7 and continue with the test because you fear the dreaded deca dick!?
That's not how it works,, heck for me deca doesn't even really start kicking in til week 6 (you need to run it way longer or not at all).
As for deca dick,, (unable to get or sustain an erection) This is due to the fact that without stronger testosterone metabolites like dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the much weaker metabolites from deca will flood your receptors, not leaving room for stronger androgens.

Unless your on trt, the best way to avoid this is to simply run MORE testosterone then deca.

Your cycle plan is just the opposite.. Get another bottle of test before you run this cycle so you can run a higher level of test then the deca. If your not wanting to run a heavy cycle (which it sounds like your not),, then just shoot for something simple like
Test 400 mg 1-12 weeks
Deca 300 mg 1-10 weeks**

** I prefer running deca longer then that, but you only have one 300mg/10 ml
Tbone & Roush I appreciate the info, I really do. Im gonna take your advice and see what I can do, basically see if I can get some more supplies, My hcg is not hcg i found out last night so I need to get that anyway Ill add some more cyp at the same time.
so thank you and I will be asking more questions soon.
More curiosity than goals, like I listed im in my 40's have worked out on and off my entire life, the last couple years I have been pretty consistent and by that I mean I try to get at least 3 workouts in a week, I shoot for 4 days. I leave weekends open because I grapple and race so I technically get an endurance based workout every weekend. The thing I have noticed the last few years is recovery time has increased, It takes more time to heal after a grueling workout, and gains are alot slower than years past, it is like I workout to maintain what I have and really hard to gain more size than I have, now I can become more defined and vascular when I work my ass off, but as far as putting on mass I seem to be maxed out, if i want to gain mass I have to gain fat at the same time. So the goal would be to put on a few pounds of muscle that I could maintain, I would be happy to add #5 of muscle that I can keep, sure #10 would be better but I dont wanna risk my health or libido, everything is fine right now and I want it to stay like that. So my goal is to add some muscle and fully recover with everything working as it does now.
Tbone & Roush I appreciate the info, I really do. Im gonna take your advice and see what I can do, basically see if I can get some more supplies, My hcg is not hcg i found out last night so I need to get that anyway Ill add some more cyp at the same time.
so thank you and I will be asking more questions soon.

When u get started start a cycle log post and let us know how things are progressing
More curiosity than goals, like I listed im in my 40's have worked out on and off my entire life, the last couple years I have been pretty consistent and by that I mean I try to get at least 3 workouts in a week, I shoot for 4 days. I leave weekends open because I grapple and race so I technically get an endurance based workout every weekend. The thing I have noticed the last few years is recovery time has increased, It takes more time to heal after a grueling workout, and gains are alot slower than years past, it is like I workout to maintain what I have and really hard to gain more size than I have, now I can become more defined and vascular when I work my ass off, but as far as putting on mass I seem to be maxed out, if i want to gain mass I have to gain fat at the same time. So the goal would be to put on a few pounds of muscle that I could maintain, I would be happy to add #5 of muscle that I can keep, sure #10 would be better but I dont wanna risk my health or libido, everything is fine right now and I want it to stay like that. So my goal is to add some muscle and fully recover with everything working as it does now.

any time you do a cycle you risk libido issues and the possibility you dont recover your natty test levels well..

so if youre worried about that just eat more and train.. 5-10lbs of muscle can be acheived without gear
3J, the risk is the reason I was interested in shorter cycles, I read some things on short cycles and smaller gains, but you could cycle more often and safer because of the short cycle times. I was under the impression I could simply run through 1 bottle of test cyp, 1 bottle of HCG have some nolvadex on hand to come off with and be fine supposedly put on #10 of muscle keep 50% or more of that and be happy, wait 6 months and do it again. The original idea came from a middle aged guys cycle that looked like this
week 1 200mg test cyp
week 2 250mg test cyp
week 3 300mg test cyp
week 4 350mg test cyp
week 5 400mg test cyp
week 6 400mg test cyp
week 7 300mg test cyp
week 8 250mg test cyp
taking hcg from the start, then taking nolvadex 2 weeks later for 4 weeks and was supposed to expect some pretty good gains, relatively safe cycle and was told the low amount of test and taking the hcg would keep the testes working and little chance of any sides.
I just thought why not if this is safe and I can make gains i was going to go for it.
U know how difficult it is to put on 5lbs of muscle in a year? You have very high expectations for this not so good cycle.
Tbone, yes man I know how hard it is to put on #5 of muscle, that was the reason for doing a cycle, you read, you hear story's, you talk to people and all you hear is so and so put on #20+ of muscle his first cycle! I just typed this in to google to see what happened "lbs of muscle first cycle" just type that in and see what happens, page after page of 20 lbs 40 lbs, videos of piana and others talking about first cycles gaining huge amounts, then stories 6 months later guys saying they kept it or kept most of it. And as to your question do I know how hard it is to gain #5 - yes I do thats why I am here asking questions and seeking advice if 2000 guys are on the internet posting they gained crazy amounts of muscle on their first cycle I thought I surely could do a safe cycle and gain #5. So are you telling me it cannot be done? I understand some people are genetic freaks and can gain muscle drinking beer everynight and lifting weights 2 days a week, I get that and believe those people exist. But I dont believe everyone that made big gains on a cycle is a freak of nature. and I dont believe they are all lying either, maybe they are stretching the truth some maybe they didnt gain 30 lbs maybe they gained 15 I dont know but I didnt think expecting #5 of muscle was outside the boundaries.
You got it twisted my friend. Gaining weight and gaining muscle are not the same thing at all. Bodybuilders dream of gaining 5lbs of muscle a year consistently. Anybody can gain 20-40lbs on cycle or off. It's not muscle though. Your taking advice from people that basically don't exist in reality. I'm not picking on you but your looking at it all wrong. If you want to gain weight then start eating. If you want to gain muscle that takes knowledge, skill and dedication.
3J, the risk is the reason I was interested in shorter cycles, I read some things on short cycles and smaller gains, but you could cycle more often and safer because of the short cycle times. I was under the impression I could simply run through 1 bottle of test cyp, 1 bottle of HCG have some nolvadex on hand to come off with and be fine supposedly put on #10 of muscle keep 50% or more of that and be happy, wait 6 months and do it again. The original idea came from a middle aged guys cycle that looked like this
week 1 200mg test cyp
week 2 250mg test cyp
week 3 300mg test cyp
week 4 350mg test cyp
week 5 400mg test cyp
week 6 400mg test cyp
week 7 300mg test cyp
week 8 250mg test cyp
taking hcg from the start, then taking nolvadex 2 weeks later for 4 weeks and was supposed to expect some pretty good gains, relatively safe cycle and was told the low amount of test and taking the hcg would keep the testes working and little chance of any sides.
I just thought why not if this is safe and I can make gains i was going to go for it.

If your dead set on shorter cycles, you'll probably get WAY better results running test prop for 8 weeks instead of test cyp
(test cyp is the longest of the test esters as far as I know,, used for TRT and long cycles)..

As for your low MGs listed.. all your going to do is replace your natty testosterone with synthetic, make little to no gains, and shut yourself down and have to do a PCT..
you could make gains on 250mg of test cyp,, but you would need to run it for 8 months, not 8 weeks (and you'd have to pin every 5th day)
Ok, ok damn you guys have got me, so you see my list of what I have on hand, im now convinced its not going to work out the way I was told it would. So basically the only things i have that are gonna do me any good are the Nolvadex & hcg. So tell me can I get something else that I can run a short cycle of that will be safe, and what exactly do I need to get? I could keep the cyp and deca for later on down the road or pawn it off to somebody.
Ok, ok damn you guys have got me, so you see my list of what I have on hand, im now convinced its not going to work out the way I was told it would. So basically the only things i have that are gonna do me any good are the Nolvadex & hcg. So tell me can I get something else that I can run a short cycle of that will be safe, and what exactly do I need to get? I could keep the cyp and deca for later on down the road or pawn it off to somebody.

Is the test cyp you have in a 200mg/10 ml bottle?

Here's a compromise for you between super short and medium length cycle (FYI - 12 weeks is not a long cycle,, 22 weeks is).

With a 200mg/10 ml bottle - that will give you 10 weeks of injecting 200 mg of test cyp a week
Then just add test propionate - at 100 mg eod - run that for 6 weeks

You'll get good gains at moderate dosages, and this is still a relatively short and simple cycle, and you should recover no prob with a good pct