44yo and going w/Beastdrol as first cycle...Post cycle therapy (pct) ???


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44yo and going w/Beastdrol as first cycle...PCT ???

Background info then to the point.

I am 44yo, 6'4" @ 205 (after losing 30lbs this past year) and not sure of BF but prolly @14-17%. I have the frame to carry 230-240. I have been wo off and on for 5yrs but on hard since the end of PT for rotator cuff repair (100% tear of supraspinatus). It is better than my uninjured shoulder now! This past year I loaded up on otc supps and am now ready to step it up. I have chosen to go with a single PH to gauge its effectiveness and to ease into the real gear. I have exp. with PH's...loved what Ergo's 1AD did for gains and strength b4 the ban. Unfortunately I was not as well informed as I am now and used no support.

Here is what I was taking through the first of Dec. - nothing since.

T-bombII as rec. (flame on)
BSN Syntha6 2 x ED (1 post)
ZMA 4 caps ED @night

I am aware that many are laughing or shaking head or both... is what is.

My goal is to be 235 @ 8-10%BF. I don't mind it taking a couple of years and I am not expecting miracles. I do know I will get there. I have been the tall skinny kid/man all my life and just now have started to look somewhat muscular.

Waist - 34 (down from 36)
Arms - 15.25 relaxed, just shy of 16 pumped and flexed, and believe me that is exciting given my starting point.

What I plan for the beginning of Feb.

Beastdrol 20/20/20/30/30/30
Jack3D / pre
BSN Syn6 2 x ED
Casein protein EN
Flax oil 2000mg ED
Liver52 as directed
Clomid/Tamox for PCT

The point:

No otc PCT for me...SERM only (not up for debate)

I have heard that Tamox is not for a nor product. I need clarification.

If that is the case then Clomid for PCT.
Exactly when do I start it and what dose for how long?

AI- The last thing I want is Gyno so recommendations for Aromatase inhibitor (AI) - When to start and dose and how long?

DHT? I know this is a test conversion that accelerates hair loss... I'm 44 and need to keep the precious few locks I have. Will the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) have any effect here. Also, recently heard of ppl taking DHT on purpose? Why?

Have I left out anything that necessary?
Thoughts or suggestions?

Sorry to be so long winded...I read the stickys and wanted to offer more rather than less.

I can"t wait to hit the gym with this stuff...hell, I was Impressed with the OTC shit. Maybe it was my hella wo's and diet that got me where I am now.

Let the flaming begin!!!

Thank you very much and WAR DAMN EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me do a quick drop in with a little info, but I have to run but shall be back on later. This should give you a general idea though.

Beast is Superdrol, its not big on aromatizing. I can see your planning 6 weeks. Superdrol can have petty bad sides, and its hard on the body most people top out around 4 weeks with it for health and safety reasons. With a methylated steroid, I always prefer people stay on the safe side, especially with the stronger ones like Superdrol.

As for PCT I support Clomid, With which you can go either 100/75/50/50, or some have the preference of starting lower and keeping the same dose throughout(50 all the way). I would also recommend a PCT supplement to help your body get back on track to be used with the SERM. Start the Serm the day after your final dose of Superdrol. Unlike injectables, Orals stay in your system for a very short time(hence the constant dosage). What are your experiences with SERM's(Unless I read correctly and you never used, right?)? As the effect on an individual can vary greatly!

Post-Cycle Double Pack

^ This will offer some nice support to your body in the recovery state it will be in.

Also I do not see a multi in your list, I always say have one on, off, or in between cycles. What is your diet like, this will also play a huge role especially in your PCT.

EDIT: Also I just remembered your mention of an injury and losing weight over the last year. Are you at a healthy point, and already "conditioned" physically or is this a plan to get back into shape?
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i agree with Zero, cut the cycle down to 4 weeks. Superdrol is harsh so 6 weeks is gona be rough on you.
as far as PCT goes, im not a fan of nolva or clomid. clomid can have some negative mood/emotional sides and nolva just isn't the great of a drug. i would recomend arimidex(anastrozole) or aromasin (exemstane). they both cost a little more than nolva, but IMO they are much more affective.
Solid advise zero

I would also add in some fishoil at 8-10 grams Ed

Don't forget to get some taruine and run it at
6-8 grams Ed to combat back pumps

Also as a first cycle I would rather see you do a epistrong cycle or a milder cycle

Good luck
Zero summed it up nicely.

I would like to see more support for BP and Lipids in there both on and off cycle. Especially the lipids.

I recd 21-25 day runs on the beast. 30 max.

Make sure calories and macros are in check and you will grow.

I like Clomid for PCT as well.

Some forma or phytoserms in there wouldnt hurt either.

KTS and Log it!!!!:blue:
If you want to go longer, that is where Epistrong comes in as you can do it for 5-6 weeks if the dose does not get too high. I am planning mine for 5 weeks but I am not going to go over 45mg unless my gains stall and the sides are non-existent. SD is great but man it is harsh so be prepared for the sides. Another option with less sides is SuperDMZ by IronMagLabs, it tends to have near SD gains and less sides.
Also I just remembered your mention of an injury and losing weight over the last year. Are you at a healthy point, and already "conditioned" physically or is this a plan to get back into shape?

I am one year out of surgery, fully recovered and conditioned...red ta go. Cutting down to 4 weeks sounds doable or, can I lower the dose and stretch to 6 wks? All the posts I've read suggest a SERM with an SD clone. I was firm on this. However, with the low aromatization (SP), and the sides with a SERM (please elaborate, will search myself as well) I may go otc.

Diet is in check. That's how I lost the 30 lbs. I will increase cal. to 3500/4000 a day, with @ 300g protein. I will add a multi and replace the flax with fish. WO's will be 4 days a week splits, low and heavy.

I really appreciate the info ppl! I will update when I get started and post progress. Maybe even pics b4 and after.
I would also recommend a post cycle therapy (pct) supplement to help your body get back on track to be used with the SERM.

What can I expect from the SERM and do I start it when I start the post cycle therapy (pct)?

Zero summed it up nicely.

I would like to see more support for BP and Lipids in there both on and off cycle. Especially the lipids.

I recd 21-25 day runs on the beast. 30 max.

Should I keep the flax for the BP? I was borderline HPB a year ago but diet, cardio and flax brought it down well into normal range. Should I keep the flax for BP or something else? Not familiar with lipids other than being fat in the blood. What should I look for here? Thanks again
"I have heard that Tamox is not for a nor product. I need clarification."

Beastdrol ISNOT a NOR product deca and tren are.
its ok to use nolvadex/tamox during pct after use with a NOR product, BUT using tamox/nolvadex durign cycle of a prog/nor compound can be a bad idea and acually cause more gyno issue then help them.

ether way you shouldent be using tamox or clomid during cycle you should have aN Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand for estrogen control not serm.

BTW beastdrol wont give you estrogen issue so Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is probibly not needed for JUS Tbestrdol thow i reccomend it to be run with testcyp or eth.
i agree with Zero, cut the cycle down to 4 weeks. Superdrol is harsh so 6 weeks is gona be rough on you.
as far as PCT goes, im not a fan of nolva or clomid. clomid can have some negative mood/emotional sides and nolva just isn't the great of a drug. i would recomend arimidex(anastrozole) or aromasin (exemstane). they both cost a little more than nolva, but IMO they are much more affective.

you should not be giving out advice!
these are not even the same kinds of drugs! you need basic knowledge of things before you give otu advice on them!!!

one is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) one is a serm so WTF are you talking about.

we are talking about PCT not estrogen control here. and to top it off beastdrol wont convert to estrogen so why the hell would you reccomend an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (estrogen lowering agent)?!?!?
start your pct the day after your last pill.
and run it for 3-4 weeks.

a few things i would rec you pick up and add are:
forged liver support

the above cept the fish oil can be bought here: Need To Build Muscle Inc.
forma at MR.supps
also its not needed but i also personally LOVE the product need2slin from needto build muscle. maybe you can check that out later on.
now i have ot say again i REALLY reccomend a cycle of testosterone cyp or eth as a first cycle for 12-14 weeks.
and also dont reccomend oral only test free cycles.
but just my op