45 yr olds First Cycle


Mid Life Rebel
45 yr olds First Cycle (end of cycle pics added 6/04)

After 20+ years of lifting I will be starting my first "real" cycle on Monday. Have run some Primordial P. products before with some limited success.
45 yrs
5'9" (used to be over 5'10, damn)
190 lbs (15% BF)
Hate cameras, but will try to get some before pics.
Will be running Sustanon 250 (eurochem version) 12 weeks at 500mg.
Pining Monday nights and Friday AM
Will have liquid Adex .25 eod
PCT-3 weeks post pin, Clomid 50/50/50/50 & Nolva 20/20/10/10/10/10

I was mixed about running the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and Nolva because I wanted to keep as simple as possible. Any thoughts on that?

My diet will be real clean, so I am hoping for some fat loss along with muscle gain. I am a hard gainer and can get lean if I stay disciplined. That being said, my goal is to be 195 at <10%BF
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Don't run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and nolva, just run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Save nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) only.
Don't run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and nolva, just run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Save nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) only.
Yes, sorry I was not clear on that. I meant to run the nolva with post cycle therapy (pct), but I was thinking of only using Clomid.
Good luck on your cycle! Looks like you have everything well planed out, what's your diet gonna be like?
Good luck on your cycle! Looks like you have everything well planed out, what's your diet gonna be like?
Meal 1. 3 scoops of gold standard with physllium and half an apple for AM breakfast.
2. snack, nuts or 2 HB eggs.
3. Lunch, Lean meat and broccoli or leafy greens with hotsauce and balsamic vinegar (weird but good).
4. snack, nuts or lunch meat, sardines ?? whatever is a protein/fat
5. Dinner, more meat and vegis (if cutting carbs are gone by this meal)
6. Desert, cottage cheese and some meat chunks, maybe hotsauce if stomach is good.
Decided to pin today since I wouldn't have much time in the morning tomorrow and I hate anticipation.
All seemed easy, except it took at least a minute to draw with a 25ga. Think I need to draw more aire to create a better vaccuum.
Also, realized halfway through injection that I forgot to asperate. Shit, too late...No blood on withdrawl.
Jabbed left quad, no pain. Think I will switch over to 23ga when they arrive next week.
lmao 20+years of lifting for that ? hahahahha

thank god you're using the shortcut now, my friends lifted from like 15-18, naturally and are like double your size and have abs but congrats on wasting 20 years u been lifting longer then ive been alive and u look like that haha

raelly needed a good laugh today because my cycle isnt going as planned atm but this made it all better hahaha
Good luck smittiot, looks like you have a well thought out cycle and you know what you are getting into, I think your gonna have great results!
lmao 20+years of lifting for that ? hahahahha

thank god you're using the shortcut now, my friends lifted from like 15-18, naturally and are like double your size and have abs but congrats on wasting 20 years u been lifting longer then ive been alive and u look like that haha

raelly needed a good laugh today because my cycle isnt going as planned atm but this made it all better hahaha

Why would you just comment on this thread to chirp the guy. Get over yourself, judging by your avatar you look like shit.
Why? This doesn't contribute to the thread whatsoever and I can almost guarantee you he is doing a lot better than you
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Why? This doesn't contribute to the thread whatsoever and I can almost guarantee you he is doing a lot better than you

Yes, I cried myself to sleep last night after reading Zues009's comment.
And to think, that after getting the lighting perfect, pumping up, oiling and flexing, that is the best I can look...
Dude ,im 51 and been af this 30+ yrs ,wen im "on" i dont think im adding new muscle but waking up them old dormant fibers, the days of the 405lbs bench for reps are gone, shit flat benching is gone due to lower back pain, but can still do 315 for teps on an incline. I have to rack the weight due to delt pain not muscle fatigue. My point is YOUR NEVER TOO OLD BROTHER!!
This guy :gives: Why jump on his thread and say that. You must have needed a good confidence boost. Maybe why your cycle isn***8217;t going as planned.
It's funny but I was just getting ready to comment something similar to delcapone. I'm 43 and long gone are the days of slamming weights around and lifting for ego purposes. It takes a little longer to recoup and even after 20 yrs it gets harder and harder to maintain the solid, tight look I once had in my 20's. I actually have to work twice as hard to maintain. That being said if that pic is Zeus then at 43 I look 10 times better than that clown and have only done 2 cycles in my entire life!

smit, your cycle looks simple and well planned. I like that you are going an extra week on the PCT (Nolva)...but Id use the clomid an extra week as well since at our age it takes longer to get back in full swing. Im not really sure if Nolva and Clomid are good together in your PCT (Ive seen 100 different ideas regarding that) but I guess it doesnt hurt (although some will say Nolva lowers igf).

Good luck!
Thanks for the good words from my fellow elders.
Burvegas, you thinking nolva only for pct?
Did 2nd pin yesterday and seems to be easy for me on the thighs (at least for now). I am afraid to spear a nerve shooting my glutes and it's hard to turn enough to feel comfortable. Think I will try delts next...
I know that there is no way that the 'goods' have kicked in yet, but hit 3 plates a side on the Incline Hammer bench machine. Must just be an 'on' day for me.