45 yr olds First Cycle

I agree at least your not 19 thinking you need testosterone. You have a smart plan and not everyone on here is a die hard meat head like some of us. Its all good its about feeling good and being confiendent in your own skin .. Good luck eat good, stick to the 1.5 -2 grms protein per pound of body weight as a general rule. Yes u can take more whey or protein shakes mixed with water to cut calories and fat.

I set my alarm on my phone every 3 hrs as a reminder to eat it helps .. its hard when your on the go. be prepared . keep your food with you. eat , eat , eat ,all the extra test will require more protein to fuel your muscles.

Never to late to change your fate. Work hard stay hard .
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Good luck on your cycle!
I was late to the gear party myself. It will be worth it. Have fun with it brother you'll find yourself doing stuff in and out of the gym you havent done since high school!
I just read your diet. You need to add more calories. Cutting or not. And instead of three scoops of protein, why not 1 with a couple eggs. Get some more solid food in there. You're gonna feel more hungry than usual. And I recommend nolva, and clomid always for pct no matter what you run. If bigger cycle then of course other things you can incorporate.
I just read your diet. You need to add more calories. Cutting or not. And instead of three scoops of protein, why not 1 with a couple eggs. Get some more solid food in there. You're gonna feel more hungry than usual. And I recommend nolva, and clomid always for pct no matter what you run. If bigger cycle then of course other things you can incorporate.

Funny you say that. I just boiled a dozen eggs for work. I will eat my shake as planned but throw a couple eggs in an hour later as I always get hungry soon after shake.
I can still stay lean almost no matter how much protein and good fats I eat. It's the shitty carbs and the evening snacks that can get me fat.
Have clomid and nolva now and will run both for post cycle therapy (pct). Also, have Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), but I think I will save that for another cycle if I choose to run another.
I got 6 bottles of Sust, so I might as well if things go well.
End of Week 1 and not much to post.
Weight basically the same 191.
Workouts were great towards end of week, but probabaly mental.
Speaking of mental, I seem to be able to focus more. Just on stuff at work or whatever and seem more at ease. Have no idea if that is an effect from T or just a random mood swing.
3rd pin tonight, will try delt.
Ordered hormone tests from privatmdlabs the other day. Was wondering how soon would it be good for me to go get the lab work? Just wanted to confirm my gear is good and that I am on right track.
Week 2 complete.
Weight still 192-192
I have been eating clean and seem to be leaning out a tiny bit. Slightly more vascular.
Lifting has been good. Even when I'm not motivated at first (530AM days) my workout seems to get more intense and recovery time between sets is quick. Great pumps.
Still don't really feall like I am "ON" something.
No sides, acne, rage, etc.
Deltoid pins were a breeze, but will rotate back to quads this week.
Week 3 complete.
Weight up to 194, but I ate like crap at a family gathering and mass sodiun, so probably h20/bloat. Will weigh again in a couple days.
Not really noticing much yet other than some slight strength gains. They would likey be better, but I am working around a couple injuries: Some tendonitous on inside of left elbow and a kknot or pinched nerve between my scapula and spine. Made my 3 hr drive home today almost unbearable.
Switched to 23 ga 1.5" for quad injects and had zero pip. The 23 is smoother draw and inject, but switching to delts this week so back to the 1" x 25ga.
I plan to have my bloodwork done this week if I can get by the lab and will report.
Got blood drawn yesterday and will report when I have results. Kinda nervous cause still not feeling much.
Blood Work Results

Test Serum >1500 (did not give the exact amount, not sure why?)
LH 1.9
FSH 1.6
Estradiaol 11.3

Only concern was BUN/Creatine Ration which was 21 (normal range 9-20).
Had just come from gym and was fasting, so I may also have been dehydrated.

At least now I know my gear is legit.
Decided to stop Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for now since estrogen is so low. Only was at .25 eod too.
Might explain why I have been so tired and my libido is the same as before cycle or maybe a little less.
End of week 4
Weight 190, lost the water from all the pizza and crap from weekend before.
I know my weight is staying the same, but I have 98% been eating very clean with plenty of protein.
Came off the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as of Wednesdayand I am feeling better. Not so tired, libido up a notch.
Noticing some real strength improvements. Started squats with 225 for 3 sets of 12. Felt amazing, like I could jump onto a squat box with that weight on my shoulders. Worked up to my last set of 6 with 325. After 4 knee surgeries, I'm just glad I can squat, so you big # guys don't diss me...
Vascularity and muscle pumps are getting much better too.
Still working around a tendonitous in elbow and something in my upper back/scapula area that is crazy painfull sometimes.
Otherwise, looking forward to lower back and shoulders training today.
Thinking that I am finally getting started with effects on this cycle.
Here is my work out routine in case anyone wants to see or comment on it. Keep in mind that I am in and out in 45-60 minutes including some stretching time.
Mon- Day off
Tues- Upper Chest and Triceps (focus on interior, big part, of tricep w/heavy load) chest is all incline
Weds- Legs and biceps. No press for legs, ham curls, extentions, bike. Biceps are flat bar and a heavier load.
Thurs- Upper lats/back and shoulders (minor) for shoulders this day no press, all front,rear, side raises and cables.
Fri- Lowerchest and triceps. Decline or flat bench. Triceps focus on outer point, lighter load.
Sat- Legs and biceps. Big leg day, squats, calves. Biceps are all hammer or reverse grip, focus outer bi and forearms.
Sunday- Shoulder and lower back. Big shoulder day, heavy load presses. Lower back is rows or variant.
I don't really count my sets or reps anymore. I start light and go up. Sometimes I go up and then down again. I let my body and mood dictate where I go, but I aways push to do better. So, at the end of each work out I am done and ready for food and rest.
End of week 5
Weight 191
From the way I have been eating my weight would have typically gone down. When I lower carbs, especially at night, and add lots of protein I usually drop a pound or two per week. So, this is good, I think.
Weights did not change much this week, but I did hit 2 reps at 365 on the squat.
Plan on adding adex back in at .25 every 3rd day.
End of week 6. Half way point sort of. Going to run an extra week, because I hate to waste.
Weight 191- steady eddie..
Strength gains were negligible this last 2weeks. However, I recover quick between sets and can keep going.
Aggression was up this week noticibly. Gotta watch that, keep controlled.
I woke up in the middle of the night the other day and touched my sack. It startled me cause at first it seemed last my left testy was gone. Well, it was just tucked up a bit inside me, but noticibly smaller. A smaller sack is not a bad thing at 45.
First bad injection this AM. Did quad. Felt a little uncomfortable in first 1/2"of injection, but pushed in the other 1". Asperated, fine. Injected smooth as ever. Pulled pin and bloohey, blood flowing out. Like all down my leg and into the tub I was sitting on. Pressed on it with tissue until it stopped. Looked like a blue volcanoe just under my skin. Vein must have been very near the surface so I did not inject into it. It's been an hour and no sides other than a little more site pain than normal.
May do some mid-way pics later today and post.
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