4th cycle opinion plz


New member
i'm 21 and 182cm and 89kg and it's my 4th cycle (1st 200mg primo10 weeks)
(2nd Test susp 100mg 4 weeks) (post cycle therapy (pct) for both with hcg and Clomid)
(the 3rd 10week of test prop eod and 4 week of dbol)(post cycle therapy (pct) for the 3rd Day 1 - 300mg Clomid Day 2-11 - 100mg/day Clomid Day 12-21 50mg/day Clomid)

i need to start a new one here it is :

-week 1:14 Sustanon 250 (750mg per week injected 3 time a week)(ex:Mon 250mg, Wed 250mg, Fri 250mg)

-week 1:13 Deca-Durabolin (400mg per week)

-week 1:4 Dbol 30mg/day

-post cycle therapy (pct) timing is : start it after 3 week of last deca injection as follows:
day1 - 300mg Clomid Day 2-11 - 100mg/day Clomid Day 12-21 50mg/day Clomid and 20mg of Nolvadex in all the cycle and to the end of post cycle therapy (pct)

-i know that's i post before but but this post is updated and clear of mistake
so i need ur opinion on the cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) and plz i need ur opinion on the sustanon from nile egypt is it good or not??? sorry for posting the same post but the old post was dump sorry :baby:
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thank u khalnayak for ur help but the it's only one post why?? plz help cause i need ur opinion ppl
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To much test, go 500 tes, 400 deca, but I know you don't want to here this ir you've already heard it, you're to young to jice

Alot of gear for youre stats, dont know if its only me but I stay away from deca, atleast stop it acouple of weeks prior to endind the test.. thats only me.
maybe i will change the deca with Equipoise but i need the best result of bulking(i think the deca will give it to me maybe i need more opnion on this too) and i wanna know if the sustanon from nile egypt good or not ??
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Why not run 500mg test E and kickstart it with 20-40mg dbol first 3-4 weeks.
Or running test prop with abit of deca just.
i want to take a 200mg only of deca cause i dont like it but i like the result of it
ah and i can get the sus and the test e with a very cheap price. the prop is more expensive than the other i can get the sus of all the cycle with the price of 10 ampoules of prop and i chose the sus cause it have a good result i like the sus. but i wanna know if the sus from nile egy good or not?? thank you and i need ur opnion again