4th Cycle


Eskimo BodyBuilder
My First 2 Cycles i used Sustanon Kirachis gained about 20 lbs, third one switched too Test E and Dbols must have gained about 5lbs lol
I started dating this girl havnt been to the gym in abaout 4 month lost half my gains and all hardness. How long of traning and rebuliding should be put in before i start up a 4th cycle (more then likely gonna be Sustanon 500 mg week/ Deca not quite sure on first timers doses gonna look around here and see some other members first deca experiences.) But just curious if its a waste to begin my cycle after liek 2 weeks of working out again or if i should wait a couple montsh or soo ? and another question i have, iam mpd prone ! lol and i hear i cant use my finasteride with deca. So i guess its a nizoral and rogaine only kinda cycle ! ? lol :afro:
As a good rule of thumb you want to use half as much Decca as you use test. I would not exceed 500mg of decca a week. I prefer to run 750mg of test and 400mg of decca, this is not exactly half but it seems to be close enough that I do not get any bad results. You need to make sure that you have some good ancillary drugs on hand if you go this route decca will shut your ass all the way down. I never had any issues with decca giving me limp dick or hair loss. It does not aromatize too bad so you should be good to go. Discontinue decca 2 weeks before you get off of test.
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