4th week and no results ...?


New member
hey, im on my 4th week injection t400 at 600mg a week and i havnt seen any gains besides the gains from increasing my diet. im still at a weight that tells me i am not gaining muscle.

i run 2miles EOD, regular ab worlout EOD.

bicep tris and chest 2 times a week each. 1 day off.

i eat 2500 cals. last 2 days i didnt eat anythign. yusterday was my day off and i was recovering form abs. i fast on this day. but today i was really not feeling like eating .everything looked like junk food.

i workout about an hour a day. sometimes i go up by 5 min maybe 10 on a really good day.

sudgestions. ? or info for a newbie
Don't run 2 miles EOD and eat more

Edit: bis and tris twice a week isn't a full workout.thats not how it works
i am 140 lb im up 5 lb from eating but no muscle because i was up to 8 lb and from fasting the last 2 days i droped back down to 145lb witch is normal.
age 21
hieght 5'7
i am 140 lb im up 5 lb from eating but no muscle because i was up to 8 lb and from fasting the last 2 days i droped back down to 145lb witch is normal.
age 21
hieght 5'7

Why at you fasting on cycle? And why are you taking steroids if you don't have any lifting experience or diet knowledge
my muscle is noticeable. but i want to see the gains thats all. pissing me on im on 4 weeks and i dont see the scale moving up.
cant do that. my abs would get bloated and also i dont work out my legs i just run with them. if i dont run i will not sleep u dont understand.

it is for me.

AI will help with bloat. You need to eat and not worry about your abs right now, if you want to do a clean bulk to help not gain as much bodyfat that's ok, but you still need the calories and protein to gain weight.
Lift weights like you do cardio. Eat more. At 600mg/ week, you should have gained some watrr weight. The fasting isnt helping a bit. Why do steroids if your not going to eat. Thats like having a farrarri and pushing it.
hey, im on my 4th week injection t400 at 600mg a week and i havnt seen any gains besides the gains from increasing my diet. im still at a weight that tells me i am not gaining muscle.

i run 2miles EOD, regular ab worlout EOD.

bicep tris and chest 2 times a week each. 1 day off.

i eat 2500 cals. last 2 days i didnt eat anythign. yusterday was my day off and i was recovering form abs. i fast on this day. but today i was really not feeling like eating .everything looked like junk food.

i workout about an hour a day. sometimes i go up by 5 min maybe 10 on a really good day.

sudgestions. ? or info for a newbie

people have tried to help you before but since you refuse to listen why should we bother.
Up your caloric intake slowly. U need more than 2500 calories to gain well. STOP CARDIO STOP FASTING! Are u crazy? Why would u fast if your bulking? Screw abs u can cut later. Eat big lift big. 4-5 days a week lift heavy. Squats, deadlifts, bench press, shoulder press. Big compound lifts mAn
hey, im on my 4th week injection t400 at 600mg a week and i havnt seen any gains besides the gains from increasing my diet. im still at a weight that tells me i am not gaining muscle.

i run 2miles EOD, regular ab worlout EOD.

bicep tris and chest 2 times a week each. 1 day off.

i eat 2500 cals. last 2 days i didnt eat anythign. yusterday was my day off and i was recovering form abs. i fast on this day. but today i was really not feeling like eating .everything looked like junk food.

i workout about an hour a day. sometimes i go up by 5 min maybe 10 on a really good day.

sudgestions. ? or info for a newbie

140? My 12 yr old son weights more than you...with your lil knowledge you shouldn't be using gear.your throwing
Your money away..moron.
well then what do you sudgest i do im al ears now.

reach up over your shoulders and grab the very back of your shirt. pull it up and over your head then punch yourself in the face repeatedly.

think hockey fights except you're doing it alone...the same way you have sex.

Oh and this:
