4th week in on test any tips, advice, etc


New member
hi, ive joined on behalf of my partner, he is in his 4th week now injecting tri-test 1ml per week, he was getting bad pains in his quad to start the day after i injected him, but now he seems to be fine afterwards so i asume his body is getting use to it, he has been injecting deca the past 2 weeks aswell 1ml, he was 11st now 11 and a half st, and works out 4 days a week, but for some reason lost 2 pounds, he eats well, i make him chicken meals with brocolli, pasta, tuna, steak, etc for evenings when hes not in work, he also has shakes, and water, should he lose some weight anyway, but gain it later, is that normal, i do all the reserch in to what he needs food wise, is there any thing else he needs, or are we doing everything as we should, also do you recomend asperating when injecting as i havent done yet as im still getting use to injecting him, and i thought if it was in the wrong place vein etc we would no about it, i want to do it for safety, but dont want to move the needle to much, we have noticed his neck and arms have grown already, (as we have measured) but he wasnt happy about a 2lb weigh loss, he was slim before so didnt need to loose fat, any tips and advice for us both would be great, x oh also when should he up his ml intake and start taking more and when and whta do you recmend for his ptc, thanks.
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ALWAYS aspirate, takes 2 seconds, and you may not always know if you're in the wrong place until you pull the needle out.

Search the forums and their are several guides on how to properly inject...its really as simple as pulling back on the plunger a bit, if you see nothing or a few air bubbles you're ok, if you see blood discard the needle and start over.
If you injected IV by accident, he would know ASAP. Aspirate as mentioned already, takes 1 second. Also the deca will need to be injected EOD (every other day). The test can be shot every week or twice a week at half doses each. Also, there's no need to taper doses up. You can taper the deca down if you want, but if you follow the advice I gave of dropping the deca 2wks prior to dropping the test, that eliminates need for tapering down. In any event, he needs to drop the deca at wk 12, and continue with the test until wk 14. Then 14 days later start pct of clomid @ 100mg ED for 30 days.
The 2lbs weight loss at 4th week could be attributed to the fact that deca takes 4wks to even start working, and your tri-test (3 ester blend test) will take 4wks as well with the decanoate ester in it. In the meantime his training (mental eagerness to train) because of the steroids is burning fat.

If you need more info, please provide more details:

-Training history
-Previous cycles
-Height & weight
-Goals (bulk/cut/strength)
-Concerns (hairloss, limpdick, bloat)
-Limitations (physically, mentally, biologically)
-Proposed cycle (gear, dosages, length, pct, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), AI)
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