5 day workout routine


New member
The following is a routine I followed for a year and noticed amazing gains.


FlatBench 4 sets
InclineBench 4 sets
DeclineBench 4 sets
InclineDumbellPress 4 sets
Flys 4 sets


Deadlift 3 sets
Barbell rows 3 sets
Tbar.rows 3 sets
Latpulldown 4 sets
SeatedRows 4 sets

Wednesday -Shoulders/Traps

Dumbellpress 4 sets
ArnoldPress 4 sets
FrontRaise 4 sets
SideLaterals 4 sets
Dumbell shrugs 4 sets

Thursday - Legs

Squats 4 sets
LegPress 4 sets
LegExt. 4 sets
LegCurls 4 sets
SeatedCalfRaise 4 sets
StandingCalfRaise 4 sets

Friday - Arms - Triceps/Biceps

CloseGripBench 4 sets
TricepPushdowns 4 sets
RopePushdowns 4 sets
skullcrushers 4 sets
StraightBarCurls 4 sets
PreacherCurls 4 sets
SeatedAlternatingDumbCurls 4 sets
HammerCurls 4 sets

This is the basic mass building plan I used to gain weight and it worked wonderful for me. I am a mesomorph body type so gaining was always easier for me anyways but I still think this program works wonders. I was introduced to this style of training from bodybuilders at my gym and maybe it can help you like it has me. I alternated some exercises on occasion and eventually supersetted a lot of the exercises to save time, especially on arm day. Always going up in weight is the key to this program. 8-10 reps was the usual with the last set usually hitting 2-4 reps, mostly on compound movements, ex. squat,bench,deadlift, etc.