5 mods have quit Elite in the past 2 days!!!!

I think that this says alot, read into it as you will.

Effective today I will no longer be an MOD at this site. For the past two and a half years I have gotten to know many people here via e mail, phone calls and in person and I can't tell ya how much you have all meant to me.

Privacy is and always has been very important to me. Even more important to me is trust and character. This maybe the internet but to me you can only judge others by these important traits. Lies I guess are a part of life but after a while you can see that small lies become big ones. I have a zero tolerance for people who go behind your back to check up on ya or abuse tools they have put into place.

Character is something you are born with and hopefully something you take serious as its how others judge you. In business a lack of character or the inability to tell the truth or do the right thing will put you out of business as it won't be long until others figure out what the real truth is.

Watch your backs in the game called life and always recall that even though this is the internet I am a real person, with real feelings, who has enjoyed the ride here. So off this bus and onto other things. Trust yourselves to know that in life all is not always what you think.



Citruscide just left now.

STAY AWAY FROM THAT SITE GUYS...... I Smell trouble!!

The Ranger, Flexed1, Lil K, Kronk, and Citruscide ??????

That's the equivalent of Steroidology losing StoneColdNTO, DRVEEJAY, JohnnyB, Needsize, and mvmaxx all in one day. Just doesn't seem right, eh???
Easto said:
Citruscide just left now.

STAY AWAY FROM THAT SITE GUYS...... I Smell trouble!!

The Ranger, Flexed1, Lil K, Kronk, and Citruscide ??????

That's the equivalent of Steroidology losing StoneColdNTO, DRVEEJAY, JohnnyB, Needsize, and mvmaxx all in one day. Just doesn't seem right, eh???

Wodin also I believe.
Wow. I wonder what happened. Dballer, if you are around here, go hack the mod board and get us some screen shots. Please. That would be tight work.

My guess is everyone is tired of EF Sam and her stink patch.
I think it goes beyond not liking her. I think there is something serious going on behind the scene. I hope I am wrong about this though
Elite is trouble, trust me I was once a mod there, For many reasons I am no longer, most of which it is not safe.

Guys, if you have an Elite Email account I suggest emptying it. Word around the boards is that your secure account may not be all that secure
The feeling I get is that it isn't as good as once thought. Possibly an internal battle against EF and ChemicalMuscle.

It would help us all out if one of the mods would talk about it
I always figured when Judgement Day came that place would be the first to fall. Hopefully it's not that bad.
EF mods are saying that is it a disputed between EF and Chemical Muscle.

The mods that quit say that it is depper than that.