5 months of cutting


New member
At the start of my diet in MAR 2011 I was 268 about 25% BF....Had fallen off training for about a year. Got the motivation back I realized how much I missed it and that I let myself go. These pics were taken in AUG 2011 at 205 Lbs. Really wish I had a before pic....currently bulking for about 4 more weeks. Weigh about 230 now....Any critique appreciated
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keep up the good work bro thats a hell of a slim down

I agree... I have seen some good progress in my transformation in the last 3 months for me. When I reach my 5-6 month I hope see more visible changes. I am doing mine all natural just weight training, running, and clean eating/carb cycling.
At the start of my diet in MAR 2011 I was 268 about 25% BF....Had fallen off training for about a year. Got the motivation back I realized how much I missed it and that I let myself go. These pics were taken in AUG 2011 at 205 Lbs. Really wish I had a before pic....currently bulking for about 4 more weeks. Weigh about 230 now....Any critique appreciated



Looking good... did you happen to take pics before you started this current Bulking phase?
My legs are a littler behind. Playing catch up now. Been hitting them really hard. Paying the price for not consistantly training them. Thanks for the comments.
My legs are a littler behind. Playing catch up now. Been hitting them really hard. Paying the price for not consistantly training them. Thanks for the comments.

Your welcome... I myself take Full Body progress pics bi-weekly. It helps me see where I could have pushed myself that much hard on the training.
Josh....They take all my mas money so they give her all the promo stuff to drown her sorrows in lol. Only time I usually hit em is for the buffets over there.
As for the training Im gonna start to diet again in about 4 weeks. Already cleaning up the diet to prepare. Would like to make the most of the next few weeks and see what I end up at before diet. Ultimate goal is to maybe compete in about a year depending on how my legs develop.
Thanks again for all the comments