5 weeks of PSL Euro HGH bloods, please checkout and let me know thoughts

Tough to judge the igf-1 levels without a baseline. But I wouldn't expect 2iu to put you off the charts either way. What was your pinning schedule with the test and how long after last pin did you get bloods drawn?
Pin in the AM, and hadnt pinned since the day before bloods were drawn. I think its doing the job, I know their test cyp and ancilaries are doing their jobs. I trust PSL hands down and I think 2iu's a day is more or less for general health at my age of 40, and I cant afford to up it to 4iu's a day. I noticed 2 weeks in I was sleeping a little better as well. I really posted up the bloods to see if any of you pro's saw anything alarming that I need to get ahold of.
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I also wondered what the T3 uptake being high is from? I havent been on Tren for a few weeks, I ended my T3/clen cycle probably more than 6 weeks ago. Anyway, any insight on my bloods would be great as I am trying to tweak what, when and how I respond as well as whats safe.
I also wondered what the T3 uptake being high is from? I havent been on Tren for a few weeks, I ended my T3/clen cycle probably more than 6 weeks ago. Anyway, any insight on my bloods would be great as I am trying to tweak what, when and how I respond as well as whats safe.

That would be from the HGH. T3 is derived from T4. HGH increases your body's use of T3. Eventually it's a good idea to supplement with T4 while running HGH to give your body a steady supply of T4 to make T3 from.
Yep, I would be concerned about the Cholesterol Levels.

My good cholesterol was so low at one time the doctor warned my I was prone to strokes it got that low from exemestne or adex I don't remember the one that fucked it up but I'll tell u it took 3 years to get my good cholesterol to be normal agin and my bad cholesterol is almost zero get to the doctor and get ur cholesterol inline brother
Your cholesterol levels is what I would be asking the doctor about what ai are u using ?
I was way over weight about 15 months ago 245 not no gym for ten yrs prior. now I am at 210 give or take what day it is and in size 34 pants. still have 20lbs of fat would like to be gone without looking too skinny, Im not shooting for ripped, but to look like I am in shape, yet have some definate bulk type look. I am taking Adex about 2.5ml/EOD per EOD3 days. How high is my Cholesterol? I recently began taking omega fish oils that I try to remember to take after morning and evening meals. Rarely eat Mcdonalds or fried chicken.
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That would be from the HGH. T3 is derived from T4. HGH increases your body's use of T3. Eventually it's a good idea to supplement with T4 while running HGH to give your body a steady supply of T4 to make T3 from.

I have T3 on hand, havent used it in id say 5-6 weeks or so (was staking with clen). If I use some of my T3 will I do dammage by letting the body know it doesnt need to make T3 for me naturally?
Yep, I would be concerned about the Cholesterol Levels.

how bad is my cholesterol? on a 1 to 10? An AI has a effect on that? or is it my eating habbits I need to check on and keep supping with the fishoils? And when I am on cycle, I try to keep cardio real low and slow from the reading Ive done on these boards over the years.
Thanks everyone for chiming in with help, I am wondering if the HGH is worth the $$. I was actually using it to bridge out of my lengthy cycle so I didnt cry like a baby all the time. Last time I tried PCT with clomid and (forgot the other ones name) but I acted like such a baby and felt so depressed that this time, I figured HGH would lessen that valley of comming off cycle.
Thanks everyone for chiming in with help, I am wondering if the HGH is worth the $$. I was actually using it to bridge out of my lengthy cycle so I didnt cry like a baby all the time. Last time I tried PCT with clomid and (forgot the other ones name) but I acted like such a baby and felt so depressed that this time, I figured HGH would lessen that valley of comming off cycle.

HGH is not in any way going to help with HPTA shut down (and the way that feels) and would not be a 'bridge' between cycles, though it in no way is a hindrance.
dollar for dollar , there is no comparison , AAS blows hgh away period. HGH is best used in body building as a 'supplement' compound or the 'cherry on top' sort of speak . Run it along with Testosterone and insulin for 8 months and get a synergistic effect, or run HGH year round while blasting other AAS compounds . its a 'finisher' to an already well put together AAS protocol.
but on its own HGH has no anabolic properties. is it beneficial , yes . but you get the most out of it running along side AAS , not separate as a 'bridge' . imo
I have T3 on hand, havent used it in id say 5-6 weeks or so (was staking with clen). If I use some of my T3 will I do dammage by letting the body know it doesnt need to make T3 for me naturally?

Typically thyroid hormones bounce back fairly quickly as long as you keep the doses moderate and taper off properly. Unfortunately that is something I do not have any experience with.
Is this normal for just using test? We're your lipids health precycle and test did all this? Scares me a bit!

I wouldn't say it's normal. There could be other factors we don't know about. Some people are more prone to cholesterol issues than others.
I have had high cholesterol as mentioned I was a lot heavier and a lot less healthy than I am now. Test isnt responsible for my lipids, I am on that one.
I have had high cholesterol as mentioned I was a lot heavier and a lot less healthy than I am now. Test isnt responsible for my lipids, I am on that one.

Ah okay that spooked me a bit! I plan to run my first test cycle either may first or june first, and I was assuming the test alone brought you from a healthy lipid panel to that so I got a touch nervous. All my lipid values are in check and healthy so it shouldn't shift to something that bad in 12 weeks.
HGH is not in any way going to help with HPTA shut down (and the way that feels) and would not be a 'bridge' between cycles, though it in no way is a hindrance.
dollar for dollar , there is no comparison , AAS blows hgh away period. HGH is best used in body building as a 'supplement' compound or the 'cherry on top' sort of speak . Run it along with Testosterone and insulin for 8 months and get a synergistic effect, or run HGH year round while blasting other AAS compounds . its a 'finisher' to an already well put together AAS protocol.
but on its own HGH has no anabolic properties. is it beneficial , yes . but you get the most out of it running along side AAS , not separate as a 'bridge' . imo

I second this.... if you're going to pay top dollar for HGH, you're better off adding it to an AAS cycle.

The only time I would consider taking it on it's own - would be if my own GH levels were poor.
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Forgot to mention congrats on the weight loss...

Have you tried using any supplements to help your cholesterol? Fish oil has some good studies showing it quite effective on lowering triglycerides, I know other EFA's help general cardiovascular health, flax seed is good too. Also read about red rice yeast working really well, but then there is a controversy that the supplement no longer contains the actual statin that lowered the lipids because the FDA stopped it so not sure there. I have also been researching Policosanol but it seems some believe it's bunk.