5 weeks out of ACL/Meniscus surgery.

brief background:
I'm a college senior who play(ed) lacrosse. I posted on here a good bit during the fall when I was trying to hit my peak strength before the practices started up in january. I got up to 175 from 150 over one semester, no steroids. During our first home game (3rd game of the season) I tore my ACL and both menisci in my right knee. I had surgery a week later. Patellar tendon graft for the acl and meniscus repair on both sides. The recovery has been miserable and the shit still hurts pretty bad, I haven't slept more than a couple solid hours a night since I came off pain meds 3 weeks ago. my appetite was fucked for a while as well and I have been sedentary except for my daily rehab sessions. I went into surgery at 170 but now I am down to 145 and it sucks. I feel week and my sexual performance is down, for sure. I am starting to get strength back in my surgery leg but the atrophy was SEVERE. According to my surgeon, the quad muscle atrophy is the main barrier to recovery and is what takes the longest to get back to normal. I offhandedly asked if anabolics would help. He seemed to think they would, but said it would be unethical to prescribe them because he mainly treats college athletes.
Well, I'm not really a college athlete anymore, and I am supposed to move to Israel and join the army in August. I want to be at my best so I have a better chance of getting into a special unit. I am going to make my case one more time to the surgeon when I see him next Thursday and see if I can convince him to give me steroids. I understand that anavar increases collagen synthases and Deca increases synovial fluid in joints, so those drugs might be particularly useful to help my recovery. I think it's a justifiable circumstance for a prescription, but if he is unprofessional about it and unwilling to even discuss it with me, I may just tell him I'll do it anyway and try to pressure him into helping me or finding someone who can. So any advice you guys have to this end would be greatly appreciated.

inb4 diet trolls invade