51 Year Old New to Forum, Request Suggestions


New member
Hello to everyone, this is great. I'm 51 and thinking about starting a cycle or something...Last time I used I was 17 or 18, and you didn't have this kind of discussion, because there was no internet....so you had to get your stuff and information from someone in the gym bathroom...I use to take orals and some injections; Test, Debal, Deca, Anvar, ect..but stopped to go into the military, then 25 years of govt service with random drug test, so now I'm old, goes by fast...
I've always worked out, tried to stay fit, but years of injuries, and now low ********* rate plagues me, as will happen with most.
I would sure appreciate some imput from any of you out their in my age range. The only health issues I currently have other than the physical issues, are a little high on the cholesterol, esophagus (use nexium), blood is good...thanks
first things first.. go to a local male clinic and get your blood work done and a complete hormone panel and see where your natural testosterone levels are at. To start, you may just need to get on TRT.. massive gains can be had from low T levels to optimal T levels (and it can all be done legally under a Doc supervision and prescription meds)
Thanks Roush, I do next week. I was wondering about the if I should try the TRT route, or AAS. ect...TRT would be like hGH, or GH axis peptides?
Thanks Roush, I do next week. I was wondering about the if I should try the TRT route, or AAS. ect...TRT would be like hGH, or GH axis peptides?

TRT would be injecting exogenous Testosterone.. which something like Test Cypionate would be a good choice for a first AAS cycle anyhow,, if you can get it from a doctor or anti aging clinic, might as well go that route first. They can get you set up with prescription grade testosterone and then all your needles, AI, and HCG.. heck , may even be covered by your insurance.
Damn that would be nice, got to do something. The diet, and work outs are not working. Tired all the time, no energy and no gains...
Thanks again...I'm out.
Definitely get the blood work run to see what your Natty Hormone levels are at.

In the meantime, read the FAQs thread linked below in my signature. Lots of good info in there - including more on TRT.
Thanks Megatron28,,,went saw my Doc yesterday for my Lab request...she was not too knowledgeable about what type of test to order, when it came to Hormone screening...so when I get the results I made have to consult about Doc, and drill more questions from you guys....will read the link....thanks again...
Thanks Megatron28,,,went saw my Doc yesterday for my Lab request...she was not too knowledgeable about what type of test to order, when it came to Hormone screening...so when I get the results I made have to consult about Doc, and drill more questions from you guys....will read the link....thanks again...

Hopefully you read the link before seeing your doc to make sure the correct blood work was run. You have to tell docs how to do their job.
You need to see a endocrinologist for test levels done right my doctor was clueless also sent me to endocrinologist and got my script after three blood test and welcome to the board