5x5 workout=constant progress

h-town_boy said:
it was something a friend of mine had heard of, and so we tried it out and I really like the feeling of the muscle contraction in this one. I can feel my whole mid to upper back really tighten up.

because of an over/under grip?
it would almost be the same as just doing one set overhand and the next underhand. You can accidently work your bis on a lot of back exercises if you don't do them right. It is all about focusing in on the muscle group your working. It is just something I tried, and it works for me. another important detail is to not lean back too much you really want as much of a ninety degree angle between your body and the seat as much as possible that way you can really hit that upper back.
yah the 5x5 was what i was originally using last year around this time. If you look on the first page the first half is all 5x5 workouts except for the biceps.
bench 135x14 165x5 195x7
incline bench 145x4 175x4 195x4(2 asst)
decline smith press 205x4 235x4 255x4
bench 155x12 135x12
incline bench 135x11
weight jumped up to 194 but I am on creatine right now so it is to be expected
db bicep curl 20x12 30x6 40x6 50x6
preacher curl 55x6 75x6 95x9
pullups 13 9 8
set of 21's bicep curl with 50 lbs
rev cable curl 50x6 70x6 90x8
weight is at 194
h-town_boy said:
Do you think that may be too much?

i do maybe 2 sets per week. and thats after i finish back work. and the only reason i do bis is too help stabilize my bench.

but if its working it isnt too much. :D

read thru my log, esp the last few months.