6 month to year long cycle of Test E at 250mg vs 500mg for 12 wks?


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What are the benefits of 6 month to year long cycle of Test E at 250mg?

What are the benefits of 6 month to year long cycle of Test E at 250mg as opposed to 12 week cycle at 500mg?
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humm... A better question would be "what are the negative side effects?"

But you asked, what are the benefits?

Thats pretty self explainatory bro.... you'll be on juce longer, thus giving you a longer time to reach the goals you wish.

But with that, you'll also be putting more stress on all your enternal organs.

Do people run low dose cycles that long? Yes they do. But you want to make sure that you're getting blood tests done every month to ensure that everything is ok.

A lot of this would depend on your age... if you're 35+, running a test cycle at that dose could be very beneficial to your heath.

If you're in your 20's... i'd say that its not necessary.
Regardless of whether the dose is 250mgs or 500mgs, you are going to be shut down while you are on. So do you want to be shut down for a year, or for 8 weeks? I personally think you should just run 500mgs for 8 weeks. Unless you are competing or you are ready for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), there is no reason to be on for 6 months or a year. Be sensible.
EastCoaster said:
...if you're 35+, running a test cycle at that dose could be very beneficial to your heath.
Running a 6 month long Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycle is not good for anyone's health, with the possible exception of patients with wasting diseases.

HRT may be of benefit in patients that meet the criteria, but Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycles are two totally different things.
Test at 500mg week gave me too many negative effects, while a low dose of test suited me fine. Sure you'd be on longer, but as long as you have regular checkups and bloodwork, you should be fine. I was on for about 6 months varying from 250mg to 1000 mg a week and I probably won't go over 250mg again. I'd rather just supplement a low dose of test with other AS.
E-Swift25 said:
...but as long as you have regular checkups and bloodwork, you should be fine...
That's a rather broad assertion. Bloodwork only shows a tiny bit of the overall picture. We also know that the longer the cycle, the harder the recovery.