600 IU HGH in a vial

Someone suggested breaking it down and freezing it after reconstitution. Unless you are running 10iu a day or something though I dont know how great that would work out.
actually me and some good bros of mine over at HCC debated this....what i suggest you do is find like 5 friends to get on GH, and just run the vial together...
reconsitute the entire vial, preload slin pins, and give each enough for two weeks at 10IU/day...thats the best way to do it...

We also have debated over reconsituting and freezing...IMO, this may work, but its risky at this point sice we cannot test the GH if it is still potent at the point of injection after thawing and injecting...
If it were me...find 5 friends. The vial gets opened, fully reconstituted and split up among the 6 of you in slin pins, each filled to 1 days dose (thats a lot of pins btw). The pins would all be frozen and thawed only once, day of injection.
Pharm Res. 1991 Nov;8(11):1360-4. Related Articles, Links

Effect of freezing on aggregation of human growth hormone.

Eckhardt BM, Oeswein JQ, Bewley TA.

Hoffman-La Roche AG, Basel, Switzerland.

The effect of freezing on formation of soluble and insoluble aggregates of human growth hormone (hGH) was studied. The amount of soluble aggregates was affected very little by freezing regardless of the cooling rate. In contrast, the formation of insoluble aggregates (particulates), as determined by light scattering in the 340- to 360-nm range, was found to increase sharply with increasing cooling rates. The amount of these particulates was also dependent on the pH of the solution. Freezing hGH solutions formulated at pH 7.4 resulted in highly scattering solutions, whereas pH 7.8 formulations showed significantly less scattering. These results emphasize the importance of understanding the freezing phenomenon for protein solutions and suggest that the formation of soluble aggregates and insoluble particulates may have different mechanisms.

PMID: 1798670 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]