6'1 , 150lbs. 33yrs. CANT GAIN!! HELP ME PLZ!!


New member
I am a 33 year old man 6'1 and 150lbs. I am in o.k. physical shape,but I really want to start a serious workout routine.The problem is,I am TOO thin.I have been this same weight since highschool,give or take 5lbs. I have no luck at gaining weight.I dont eat properly because I dont know how.Img anyone has any bulking tips or a bulking plan with supps plz help me out.Also should I start my workout while bulking or gain size first? Will working out hinder trying to gain weight?Thanx guys and girlz yall know best!
You have to be only getting like 1500 to 2000 calories a day to be that small. You gotta bump it up to 3200 to start but the bigger you get the more cals you need.
Have a chat to the main main on here 3J , garanteed he will be able to point you in the rite direction
I was almost those stats in high school and when I started lifting I went from 160 to 190 lean eating everything. Made sure i ate every 3 hours
Hamburgers. Steaks. Chicken wings. Pizza.
I was almost those stats in high school and when I started lifting I went from 160 to 190 lean eating everything. Made sure i ate every 3 hours
Hamburgers. Steaks. Chicken wings. Pizza.

I second the every 3 hours part, but had better success with chicken breast and sweet potatoes. Stayed lean as I bulked.
simply put your not taking in enough calories

alot of people with stats like yours "think" they are eating alot..

iv had alot of clients come to me with stats like yours and tell me that they feel like they are constantly eating..

i start them on a simple 3000 calorie diet and they think its too much.. it just goes to show
hey 3j, if you would look at my recent post about bulking up i would greatly appreciate it!!!!

Today, 04:08 PM

killerkurt45 started a thread any legal supplments out there that will bulk me up?!?! in Anabolic Steroid Forum