SHortness of breath on Test C -- help

2 days a week, 7k-10k calories
2 days a week, 50g carbs, 300g fat, 400-500g protein
3 days a week, 4000 calories

500mg test week, week 9
5'8" 216 pounds

Wow , well ok I believe you but had to question because you know yourself not many guys can do that many. I'm an ecto and small boned , always been a small type even thought used to be 5'11". So for me I just could never get my stomach stretched to hold much... my best was 4500 and eating every 2- to 2-1/2 hours a day.

Anyway I am not bashing YOU but I think you have driven home my point of it not being your E2 and AI that dropped your weight over night or 24 hours but you diet and calories.

I don't mean to offend you and maybe I am wrong ( lol I don't think so :)) but I want us to be as accurate as we can when making a point to the members. It is the consistent use of an AI that will make the difference in your Estradiol numbers and it's side and direct effects.

Sorry if I have somehow high jacked OP's thread.

Nough said by OMM
I don't mean to offend you and maybe I am wrong ( lol I don't think so :)) but I want us to be as accurate as we can when making a point to the members. It is the consistent use of an AI that will make the difference in your Estradiol numbers and it's side and direct effects.

No worries man, no offense taken. A lot of ppl question my weight at my height as well...I'm used to proving things up. I had another thread that broke down how I do it here: (Steak and avocados are a large portion of calories). It's nothing for me to order 2 meals when the GF and I go out, sometimes 3...and I'll polish off her just depends on how intensive my training for the week is. I over-train for a portion of the week as well. I definitely do not follow the typical protocol for diet/training though.

Maybe the food/salt intake affects my weight fluctuation more than estro?? Dunno, but I was puffy as hell on Monday morning, and after taking .33mg of ai, abs are separated/defined again, and face is much less bloated today.
Where did you come up with this craziness? Obviously it works well for you.

I did a keto diet for a year or so, worked really well and hit a wall for gains....and it morphed/changed to this style during blasts, and it keeps my bf at acceptable levels. Dunno how many more times I'll run it while "on" but, the thing that I like about it, is before or after the (2) 7k (and sometimes a 10k cal day) cal days...the low carb day is easy to do. Def not the norm though...but, my body don't respond to 7 days of carbs so well either...makes me look like a muffin top after a while.
I would rec AI from start of cycle ( or now) untill the start of PCT, then run your 4-5 weeks pct (i rec 35-50mg clomid ed and 20mg tamox ed) then get blood work 2-3months after PCT just to see where you are IMO