

New member
Hey guys coming on here for some advice.... In about a few weeks im planning to jump into my third cycle which is going to consist of TEST E and Deca. Im 23 years old and have about 6-7 years of training under my belt. I'm in a airborne infantry unit so working out is what i get paid to do. I usually do a mixture of Heavy weights, circuit training/crossfit/ and amateur boxing on my own time . My diet is pretty clean which consists of high protein, high fats and very low carbs ( PALEO DIET). Right now im about 6,2 220 lbs with about 15% body fat. My goal is to cut the body fat percentage in half while also adding lean muscle. My previous cycle i took was just t400 on its own and had massive gains but it came to a grinding halt due to a parachute accident i had resulting a hernia. I Had this thing repaired about almost 2 months ago and now hitting the gym like i used to. Any advice would be great from you guys so i know what to expect.
rodger that. should i add aromasin also during cycle?

yes add some aromasin so you dont get the major bloat from test and any estrogen related sides,

i typically use deca for bulking and tren for cutting cycles,i feel that would would attain more lean body mass with tren rather than deca.

but if your running deca/test i would do it like this.....


pct-clomid/50/50/50/50 nolvadex/40/40/20/20