8wk Ostanish cycle


New member
What's up guys, I am new to this forum. I am just starting a 8 week Bulking cycle of ostanish today. I have mdrol that i might add at 10mg everyday for week 1-4 or should i do 4-8? Do you think it would be worth it to add the mdrol or save it for another cycle? I would like to add as much mass as possible. I am 6'1" 198-200lbs "depends on time of day" 30 yrs old. I'm not sure what my bodyfat is but i know its low, i have been lifting for about 12 years. Please let me know if i need anything else for my cycle or if i need to change anything.

Here is what my cycle looks like:

Ostanish 20mg week 1-8
Mdrol 10mg week 1-4?

Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nova 40/40/20/20

Supplement taken everyday:
Whey protein
Milk thistle 1000mg
Fish oil
There doesn't seem to be much information on ostanish so I will keep everyone posted on my gains. I have decided to run ostanish at 20mg for the first 4 weeks and see how my gains are. If i am seeing good gains i will continue for 8 weeks without mdrol. If I'm not seeing gains i will add mdrol at 10mg for the last 4 weeks. That way I can tell if this product does anything for me. I have read that some people gain 8lbs and others don't gain anything with it. My bulking diet is 4000cals on training days and 3600cals on non training days. I am doing the 45/35/20 macro ratio.
Day 3, today is my off day. I probably won't notice anything for a few days. My diet has been on point and my weight is at 201lbs. My energy has increased a little, but this could be due to my diet.
Day 4
Thanks for the input guys, I am not expecting huge gains from this cycle. I think I will gain a few pounds with just my diet alone and hopefully a few more from the osta. I would like to do a bigger cycle in a few months after post cycle therapy (pct) and recovery. We'll see how this goes. Today was my Chest day. I hit it pretty hard and it seemed like my pumps lasted a little longer than normal. My weight is still 201lbs.
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What's up guys, I am new to this forum. I am just starting a 8 week Bulking cycle of ostanish today. I have mdrol that i might add at 10mg everyday for week 1-4 or should i do 4-8? Do you think it would be worth it to add the mdrol or save it for another cycle? I would like to add as much mass as possible. I am 6'1" 198-200lbs "depends on time of day" 30 yrs old. I'm not sure what my bodyfat is but i know its low, i have been lifting for about 12 years. Please let me know if i need anything else for my cycle or if i need to change anything.

Here is what my cycle looks like:

Ostanish 20mg week 1-8
Mdrol 10mg week 1-4?

Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nova 40/40/20/20

Supplement taken everyday:
Whey protein
Milk thistle 1000mg
Fish oil

does Mdrol aromatise?

also, you're 30. Use aas. Prohormones convert to weak steroids in the body (as compared to real steroids). When they convert, they cause damage to your liver, which I see you know by your milk thistle. The sides are much more harsh, your sex drive will die off and your prostate will increase in size... (I have ran more than a few cycles). aas will give you softer sides (once again, comparably) for better gains. Its a win win, you just have to use a pin.

Ostarine as in the sarm, right?
Thanks guys, I agree with you. I did my first test E cycle about 3 years ago. I ran it at 500mg/wk for 10 weeks and got great results. But I haven't done a cycle since then. Life has been bussy, gard college, got married, moved for a new job, ect. I am looking to learn as much as I can again, its been awhile since my last cycle. I thought I would start off with this cycle and see how I do. Hopefully do a test cycle again this summer.
Thanks nick, I forgot to add that I took all your advice and I'm going leave the mdrol out of this cycle. Would it be good to stack it on a test cycle? I have read a few logs of people doing this. I already have 2 bottle of mdrol. Or should I just try to find some dbol when the time comes?
Day 6
Today was shoulders and tris at the gym. I am pretty surprised with this serm so far. I noticed a huge difference in my pumps and they lasted long after the gym. My weight is now 202 lbs. I am looking forward to the next 7 weeks.
Thanks nick, I forgot to add that I took all your advice and I'm going leave the mdrol out of this cycle. Would it be good to stack it on a test cycle? I have read a few logs of people doing this. I already have 2 bottle of mdrol. Or should I just try to find some dbol when the time comes?

Ph's just aren't worth the shut down. Keep them for a rainy day(like an apocalypse where you may need the testosterone to fight an army of zombies.
Test E I've heard is good to run with Sarms. I wouldn't overdo it too much though. The sarms will suppress you a bit after cycle also. IGF-LR3 could cause some awesome hyperplasia during your cycle though.
Day 11
Today was legs and I had another great work out. I did now weigh myself yet, but it feels like i am slowly getting bigger. This might be do to the pumps i have been getting. They last all night after my workout. No sides to report so far, I feel great.
^ It's day 26. I am up to 205lbs, so I have gained about 5lbs so far. No side affects to report. I did chest/shoulders today and the pumps are still great. I also noticed my strength is starting to increase, might be due to the weight gain or maybe the osta. My diet is going great. I have been spending some time in the recipe section, it gets old eating the same shit all the time. It's good to mix it up.
Well here is an update! I am 7 weeks into this cycle and still feeling great. My diet is going strong. I weighed myself today and i am at 209lbs, that's about a 9lbs gain so far. No side affects to report. My bodyfat hasn't changed either, so I am hoping I have gained mostly muscle. The pumps from the osta are great and I am definitely more vascular. My strength continues to increase weekly, I have noticed the biggest increase in my bench. This is my last week so I hope to finish strong.
Damn bro that's cool.Keep us updated I would like to know if you keep the gains after you come off of it.
PCT is going good so far. I am about 1 week into it and still at 209lbs. I haven't noticed any changes and I don't feel like I was shut down from the osta. However I am still doing a pct and also taking DAA at 3grams/day mixed with creatine.