9 Days out!

politics....ta hell with them... you cant look like that and get screwed...

you better no bring me down if im travellin all that way...lol

I'll do my best Phats!!!!! You have to look at this wat or at least I am if I don't do well it like a re-birth of th taste buds.....everything will taste soooooo gooood!
looking good. Not to be critical, but your front relaxed pose you're sticking our your arms way too far. Your back is already so wide, you just take away from your width by sticking the arms out. Judges dont want to see that. Just fyi. Just let those arms hang flexed but naturally loose not out.

What show are you competing in? Best of luck.
Sorry about the late update, but just taking it a bit easy after the show! Well I took second place at the Provincials in the heavy weights. I weighed in at 211.5 lbs so I was pleased with the 16 pound gain, and my fullness and moving up a weight class. I think maybe being so full leading up the show I may have spilled over and then tried to play catch up for the night show. Oh well I still qualify for the Nationals ( second time) just need to focus on overall size and get thick!