A couple of Questions ?

B bOy CrAyOn

Learning the Ways
i had got a lot of acne on my shoulders and upper back the last time i ever touched gear wich must have been about 9 months ago...and i wanted to train again for about another year without using any gear..... my question is what do you know will help with acne besides tanning ?

i still have acne but no where nearly as bad... i had it to the point where i really dreaded taking showers because the pressure from the water hitting my back would pop some of them and pound water really hard in to them and causing a lot of stinging and pain...

another question is i had a couple of friends that went to Mexico, to the border and went to Pet Shops that sold bottles of stuff called "Enanato 350,D-bol,anadrol, test 250,trenbolone 75,etc"... the enanato bottles were only 20 bux and the pills like anadrol and d-bol were about 125 per bottle and the tren was 75 bux a 10 ml bottle......i can read in spanish and read this stuff and it says that its for castrated animals and stuff...
ive heard people say its just the same but i was wondering whats the difference between this and all the stuff i guess all of you guys buy... everyone ive talked to say its fake but i would just like to know the difference... and if its fake why did they get bigger?
whats the difference between real and fake?
accutane...but if you go to the dermastologist i'm sure he could assess your level of severity with the acne and decide what would be good to put you on... there are tons of topical creams and different kinds of pills... but accutane by far takes the cake on this one... it's the strongest and best acne medication out there

the difference between real and fake is pretty damn easy lol... real gear will get you huge... fake gear won't do anything accept maybe kill you or hospitalize you depending on what is inside the fake gear... a buddy of mine who is 6'4" 300 or more pounds at like 10% bf took fake gear and had 2 heart asttacks from it... ended up being motor oil or somethin like that he injected... if you bought somethin from mexico 99% it's real
yea i used to use Benzaclin... its a topical cream.... i used the 5% and 10% strength and it didnt do much....

So whats the difference between human grade and animal grade gear ?
So do you think the gear my friends bought was worth the money and worth it then?
They were buying a lot of this stuff for only 20 bux a bottle and selling it up here for about 120 a bottle....
well what i meant by whats the dif from real and fake is like, is fake completely not a steroid or do people consider some stuff to just be so weak its like being fake... im new to this man...ive never encountered anyone who has been like oh they gave me fake stuff.. so i dont know what would be a fake... besides the fact that i heard somsone say they got sold just a bunch of corn cooking oil..lol... they were pretty pissed... and how and where the hell would u buy fake from? like who would really take the time to make fake stuff ya know ...
what im really interested in is whats the difference between human grade and animal grade gear ?

i remember some of the companies names of animal stuff they had i think it was
Pets Pharma
i myself like many others on here prefer UGL (under ground labs) the labs like denkall (vet grade) and organon (human grade) i don't like at all because they underfill and underdose a lot... UGL's are better because the majority of them overfill and overdose their gear... usually you'll find that the vet grade gear will hurt a lot more than the human grade gear will... i don't know the exact difference between the two because i'm no chemist.. but i'm sure dougoe and a few of the other admins and osme guys around the board can tell you more differences than i just stated
and last but not least what are the price difference between UGL and the kind of prices my friends were selling the vet grade stuff for... they sold it for 120$ a 10 ml bottle...whats a common price for UGL stuff ?
my last question is when you say UGL, is that the acual name of the brand or do you mean an actual under ground lab, cuzz i met someone recently who said his friend actually makes it or somthing... they have a bunch of cows and stuff.. he didnt explain the process to me exactly but is that what you meant by UGL ?
i think they just left out the .Y..in ugl...lol.but there right..ugl is what you expected it to be...cheers
UnderGroundLab: Making Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) products from raw powders and selling them.