Did you do any bloodwork before starting or after stopping?I started using sastanon 250 1ml 250g every 3 to 4 weeks for the last 6 months didn't do it for muscle building but noticed an increase in energy. I do play alot of yoga. Now I have will stopped, confused if I need to take comid or something. Any advice would help.
No blood work had a doctor I met in Cambodia suggest I do. But as I try to read and understand. I was not sure what to do. Sounds like I must go see a doctor? Or is there somewhere I could find the dosage of nolva and clomid I would need to take and for how long.. wish I would of never fuck ed with it. ; (
that sounds more like hrt or trt (hormone replacement therapy) so pointless unless you need it and should have been done every week not every 3-4 weeks...Yes it says 1 amp = 1 ml I injected every 3 to 4 weeks.