a question about TRT for future reference


New member
used a lot of gear when i was younger, fucked up my HPTA system blah blah im sure those words have been posted on this forum so many times. i am currently on TRT for life but not yet by a doctor, but i will be soon.

my question is.. i will be pinning weekly, but say for example i dont have my test available for a week or two after my last pin, would i be able to take clomid to raise my testosterone temporarily so that i dont lose my mind?
I can tell you that a week isn't that big of a deal at all and two isn't that horrible. I've never felt the need to try to use anything else. You can always double up before leaving if you know it's coming. And of course if you have a script then there's no reason to not bring it with you.

Not really what your asking I guess, but I don't think its as big of an issue as you think.