About to see a urologist for TRT.. how long before TSH/FSH recovery?


New member
I am about to schedule a visit to a urologist for TRT... ive been told low TSH/FSH may raise flags... coming of a 20 weeks Test E Cycle @ 500mg a week, hcg on cycle, proper PCT..... my T was around 200 before the last cycle... how long before I can expect TSH/FSH to recover and not raise red flags?
6 weeks after PCT, if you ran one. Reason being is if LH + FSH are crazy high like they may well be, it's also going to raise flags. I would just cut PCT short, or only do a week then wait 4 weeks.. Where are you up to now?
What were they before? If you did a PCT, your LH/FSH are HIGH right after. Normalization occurs the next few weeks after. It really varies from person to person, but 4-6 weeks post PCT is likely long enough.

If your LH and FSH were low before your cycle (secondary hypogonadism), then you have even less time to wait.

Edit: Hah! Nicely played Prince, nicely played.
What were they before? If you did a PCT, your LH/FSH are HIGH right after. Normalization occurs the next few weeks after. It really varies from person to person, but 4-6 weeks post PCT is likely long enough.

If your LH and FSH were low before your cycle (secondary hypogonadism), then you have even less time to wait.

Beat you by seconds! :p
Not sure what it was before... im in Canada, so getting bloodwork is a constant hustle (walk in clinics, different docs etc)
Ahhh. So you have been diagnosed already, or are hoping to get diagnosed?

I was diagnosed by my GP and he's given me a referral to the Urologist.... he was willing to put me on TRT, but I just want someone with more experience in the domain.
I was diagnosed by my GP and he's given me a referral to the Urologist.... he was willing to put me on TRT, but I just want someone with more experience in the domain.

Do you know what criteria he used to establish that you're hypogonadal? For example, if he noted that you have an LH of 16, but you come in to the endo with an LH of 2, he'd likely know something is up. However, if you were diagnosed just by total testosterone, you have a great deal more wiggle room in reaching your "baseline" levels.
Do you know what criteria he used to establish that you're hypogonadal? For example, if he noted that you have an LH of 16, but you come in to the endo with an LH of 2, he'd likely know something is up. However, if you were diagnosed just by total testosterone, you have a great deal more wiggle room in reaching your "baseline" levels.

luckily the crappy health care system benefited me this time as he only did T and E2 tests... getting bloodwork is like pulling teeth here.
luckily the crappy health care system benefited me this time as he only did T and E2 tests... getting bloodwork is like pulling teeth here.

I've heard it can be rough. I wouldn't worry too much then, just be sure to give the SERMs a couple weeks to leave your system. :)