Abs: Do you work them out?


New member
Ok so if someone can put this myth to sleep, that would be great.

All the time at the gym I see dudes doing many many reps of ab exercises in hopes of getting 6 pack

However other people say they barely touch abs. These other people say that as long as your diet is right,do the fundamental exercises(squats, bench, deadlift) and have low body fat(under 11%) that you should have a 6 pack no problem.

Is what the other people say true? Because I hate doing many reps of crunches.
The only thing, and I mean the ONLY, thing that will get your abs out is... getting the bf% down. Around 12% and under they starting showing in most men.

If you want them bigger, more developed, popping out more etc... then yes, ab excercises are necessary. But you don't need to do a single ab excercise in order to see them.

Ever seen those skinny kids running and you can see all their abs? Probably never even lifted in their life, but they got em. Just due to low bf%.
The only thing, and I mean the ONLY, thing that will get your abs out is... getting the bf% down. Around 12% and under they starting showing in most men.

If you want them bigger, more developed, popping out more etc... then yes, ab excercises are necessary. But you don't need to do a single ab excercise in order to see them.

Ever seen those skinny kids running and you can see all their abs? Probably never even lifted in their life, but they got em. Just due to low bf%.

Bang on.

Same thing goes with any muscle group!
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i was thinking about posting thread on this subject after a recent experience of mine these last few months.

i remember doing crunches as a kid to build core strength for taking punches. 20+ years ago..

i hadn't done a crunch in over two decades, all my core strength came from conditioning - drills in the cage - trading measured and paced body punches and kicks in partner drills back and forth.

when i slowed down my combat training to dip into weight lifting for about a 6 month stretch over this past winter and holiday season - i wasn't doing those core conditioning drills and so i started with doing incline sit ups, hanging leg raises, crunches - all the things you're supposed to do to "get" abs in the weight room

i didn't see any progress, in fact i thought i noticed a little drop in my definition and hardness, my obliques deffinately had lost some sharpness

about 12 weeks of weight training , i happened to be sparring with some guys prepping for fights and we ended training and did cool down with partner drills - body conditioning

I've always been able to take big big body shots.. ill hold my hands high on purpose to draw body punches - i soak them up and counter punch.. ill trade you landing one in my bread basket for clipping you with an upper cut or a hook

ill be god damn, twelve weeks of crunches leg raises and incline sit ups

- and my conditioning and core strength was GREATLY diminished. i was shocked at how much core strength had been affected by engaging in what i consider to be the wrong ( functionally worthless) exercises while neglecting the drills and sets of movements that had kept me strong and hard all these years.

since having that experience, i practice good posture with doing something the old school body builders called " the vacuum" (look that up) and I've found that conditioning in the boxing gym combined with practicing the vacuum gives me much more strength and better aesthetic results than plowing through hundreds of ab exercises each week.

also, have noticed the thick chunky waist and abs these guys with washboard abs tend to have- not gh gut even - but just "washboard" abs , and their was it are thick and chunky like a baby thats eaten too much apple pie

if its boxing then the only thing that matters is conditioning. if its body building - then its all proportion and controlling your training and exercises to achieve maintain the results you want to see.

once you have a foundations for strength, those compound movements you mentioned being perfect examples of usable functional core strength - i do not recommend crunches at all

if you can not find a boxing gym/partner for training drills that make your torso conditioned and hard - try this..

you can use a medicine ball laying flat on your back, tossing the weighted ball into the air and letting it land on your lower stomach/ diaphragm/ chest - toss it higher for a harder impact , breathe out when it crushes your body. proper breathing with timed contraction of your abdominal walls in the only way to ward off damage to your organs..

coincidentally , practicing the old school body building technique of " the vacuum" absolutely revolves around increasing the internal pressure of the abdominal cavity ( the same method that allows you to take blows to the midsection without accruing damage) and holding that pressure for extended period of time - as long as you possibly can = failure

what I've just spoken of here, produces amazing results for me and the few others I've shared it with.

interested to hear what other on these boards have to say about " the vacuum"

please share your thoughts and experiences, even opinions..

this is something i am going to share with people and try to rise awareness of why it is better for sore strength ( functional strength) over the crunches and typical core trainer exercises..

cheers, Bronson
Lol why do people treat their abs like this magical muscle group that needs to be treated differently to everything else?
Because it doesn't :)

IMO, along with the low bf%, you shoudd still spend some time training your abs.

The reason you won't get much growth out of hundreds of crunches is the same reason you won't get much growth by benching 50lbs for hundreds of reps.
Zero intensity.
Not to mention your destroying your lower back in the process.

Do WEIGHTED crunches & WEIGHTED hanging leg raises while increasing the weight once you can do a few sets of 12 reps easy.
In other words, progressive overload.

Vacuums train the TVA (inner abs) has posing/performance benefits but won't do much for aesthetics since you can't actually see your inner abs.

I should add that training the abs & core in general is very DIFFERENT if your looking for athletic performance rather than hypertrophy - no intelligent coach will tell an athlete to do crunches, etc regardless of the sport.
EVERYDAY! I try to do a variation of 500 different ab repititions before bed, I get at least 350 in! :D The 8hr fast and deep sleep works well. Its a mental thing, but it feels good.
magic. heres what it does.. so you will know

lock your abs down, tight as they will go.. like at the top of a crunch.

now jump rope for 50 minutes

when you can do that..

you might be able to spar a 5 rounder without getting dropped by a body shot.

locking that vacuum, creating that internal pressure.. once that pressure is greater than or as close to greater than any outside force that is whaling on you - you can absorb those without taking damage.

try taking a punch , from a 12 yr old - on your diaphragm hahaha..

if you don't train for it, you'll get fucked up.

this is funny...


here is Arnold practicing his vacuum just seyin!!

ha !

so maybe, perhaps.. there might be some merit to this for body builders,

some validity to my experience even..

do what works for you..

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But charlie, I don't spar with my workout partner. and I don't make it a practice of taking body shots either

you do not partake in fisticuffs?

we can always go hot air ballooning or do some parlor shooting - we needn't all be pugilist !!!!

still finding information on it ..

arnold used train this, religiously..

along with many of the great legends of that same era.

trained to hold that internal abdominal pressure
What the fuck are these abs you're talking about?! Never trained them or even heard of them, just googled them and got this picture. Looks like a starving girl with bitch muscles. I don't want abs if this is absView attachment 560981

I only train chest, bicep, tricep = Your body core
this is funny...


here is Arnold practicing his vacuum just seyin!!

ha !

so maybe, perhaps.. there might be some merit to this for body builders,

some validity to my experience even..

do what works for you..


Coleman has a distended gut from Slin abuse and an atrocious diet. No he does not eat clean foods, he downs racks of ribs doused in barbecue sauce, AKA eating like a real man with nothing to lose lol
pregnant mass monsters and gh / slin gut have destroyed bodybuilding

just my opinion.

that palumboism shit is a real treat to look at!!!


just a shame whats happened.

again, my opinion
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pregnant mass monsters and gh / slin gut have destroyed bodybuilding

just my opinion.

that palumboism shit is a real treat to look at!!!

just a shame whats happened.

again, my opinion

They look good for the first three years of taking those doses then they start to slowly grow a turtle shell over their stomach. It seems like Dexter Jackson is the only one immune to the gh, slin, bad diet gut epidemic. That shit is not one bit aesthetic. Ronnie Coleman in 1999 and 2000 looked great and even had a V taper, but that shit has caught up to him.
Maybe 3 to 4 sets a week just basic machine ab crunches to strengthen my core, other then that your bf percentage determines when your abs start to pop
this is funny...


here is Arnold practicing his vacuum just seyin!!

ha !

so maybe, perhaps.. there might be some merit to this for body builders,

some validity to my experience even..

do what works for you..


HGH guts for the loss.

This might have been touched on already, but abs are like any other muscle. Yes you have to work them, ESPECIALLY if you want attractive full core traits; serratus, obliques...

Yes it doesn't matter if your bf% is too high to see them, but it's still a muscle group. Compound movement will increase core strength, but pullups also increase bicep strength. You aren't going to get massive biceps doing pullups though.
If you have bigger abs (you actually work them out) they will be more visible. Someone with 8% bf with shitty small abs might not show
I hate doing abs. Havent done an ab workout in ........well I don't know.

Abs on a skinny dude is like big tits on a fat chick...lol funny quote i like