Abs: Do you work them out?

What if i told you that you could be big AND cut. Just pay me 1mil $ and i will pm you the secret info

The check is in the mail. Apparently I had a rich uncle pass away that was a Nigerian prince, and after giving a measly $1000 to the nice people in my email, I should have millions on my way!

Which reminds me:

Power > money > attitude > looks > everything else.

The bright side is that while we men work on those top items, 25 year-old women will always be around for the taking. ;)
The check is in the mail. Apparently I had a rich uncle pass away that was a Nigerian prince, and after giving a measly $1000 to the nice people in my email, I should have millions on my way!

Which reminds me:

Power > money > attitude > looks > everything else.

The bright side is that while we men work on those top items, 25 year-old women will always be around for the taking. ;)

My girls 20 though. :)
OK, here's my take on abs....

I've got myself 'ripped' a number of times now. Previously 'before' regular ab training I had abs when my bodyfat was low but they weren't prominent, they lacked shape and 'pop'.

Then, I decided on my next cut, to do abs three times a week, two of those sessions being with resistance.... my abs grew and I had a great six pack (see avatar) but with this came a severe lack of flexibility.

I had made the abs and obliques grow, but on the flip side my midsection flexibility was shocking, I couldn't bring my knees to chest without my knees coming apart from each other. My rotational movement was non-existent and I was having bad lower back pain. I'd become very blocky and my waist size was huge.

On my last cut (see pic below) I only did abs once a week, I used primarily bodyweight exercises and core work and most of my stuff was high tempo and incorporated cardio - I also started doing a workout called 'DeFranco Limber 11' which concentrates on improving glute, lower back, hip flexor and piriformis flexibility. As you can see, the results were much more favourable.

My abs were still there, and still pronounced, but my waist size had gone down and my obliques and lower abs looked amazing.

To conclude: I'd definitely steer away from over training abs, I now give them a good six months off in the winter, and bring them in for the summer. I'd also be wary about using resistance, and I would certainly make it my priority to include flexibility work. The DeFranco Limber 11 has been a life saver for me (see link),


I've been able to train legs without back and hip pain for the first time in years. I'll be taking it to my grave!

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I dont ever do abs...ex powerlifter, snow skier, track, soccer STAR...background in descending order with my age. Abs are muscles. Worked muscles grow. I fuck like a rabbit w the Mrs. so....I have not done anything more than crunches 1 a months for 3 sets to failure.....in July or August when it s smoking hot down here and I m lean with a tan...after 3-4 hour s yardwork I have viegn in my abs.

Men store fat there and the spare tire..I m at 12-13 percent bdyfat (avi last november)now. That s my fat picture... That s where I stay with fast food, racks of ribs, carrot cake and snickers binges...cookie dough.

On May 1 , I ll be down 1 or points. June 1 I ll have obligues defined (when I flex) if I get to single digits----they are visible when I breathe-------abs are made in the kitchen and in the bedroom in our household.

sIT UPS BURN CALS. AND if you ve never had them..do them for a strong core ..but diet and powermoves will do them for you. I rarely if ever have lower back problems.....as my core is developed...men with a protruding 2nd tri mester will have back issues... almost asked a 60 year old super rich guy who looked like he swallowed a medicine ball does that hurt ? It looked really painfull; though he might pop.
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I keep seeing this quote all over the place and yet we all know its bullshit LOL.

How many guys want to fuck fat chicks with big tits?

Ok now if your being HONEST with yourself, how many chicks want to fuck skinny dudes with a 6 pack?

Enough said :)

Mr. High and mighty talking like he's never porked a fatty. We all have fucked a hog or two bud, own up to it.
Mr. High and mighty talking like he's never porked a fatty. We all have fucked a hog or two bud, own up to it.

Banging a fatty is like riding a moped. Sure, it's something to do when bored, and might even be fun - but you don't ever talk about it or brag to your friends regarding your experience. ;)
I usually find them extremely grateful and they always put the effort in because they don't know when the next one will come along!
Banging a fatty is like riding a moped. Sure, it's something to do when bored, and might even be fun - but you don't ever talk about it or brag to your friends regarding your experience. ;)

Rather take a bus then hit up a moped haha
Those things remind me every time of the movie dumb and dumber
This was me last year, not one single ab workout hardly, like I said on occasion maybe 3 or 4 sets in a week
Hardly any cardio, relied on my diet
I was low in bf went from 220lbs down to 180lbs at 7 to 5 percent bf at the end of my cut
now back up to 230lbs at 16 to 17 percent bf :) abs are not visible ;)
This year I am pumped for as I am dieting with 3j :)
U can't be afraid to put on some body fat in a bulk, and the ones that are show in there progress,as for leaning out that low it take a lot of disipline to get that lean, if u have been there u know what the fuck I am talking about! If u want it that bad u shouldn't have a problem, u have to be determined on what u want, winter is winter here in Canada so winter months with extra body fat is a plus, spring/summer months is to try to get lean as fuck :)
During my bulk I was eating upwards of 5000 cals a day 7 meals a day and didn't want to look at another piece of food at the end of the day
It works good as I am restricting my cals now slowly to hold onto as much mass as possible while I cut
3j has me on a 16 week time frame this year and it's going great so far :)
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This was me last year, not one single ab workout hardly, like I said on occasion maybe 3 or 4 sets in a week
Hardly any cardio, relied on my diet
I was low in bf went from 220lbs down to 180lbs at 7 to 5 percent bf at the end of my cut
now back up to 230lbs at 16 to 17 percent bf :) abs are not visible ;)
This year I am pumped for as I am dieting with 3j :)
U can't be afraid to put on some body fat in a bulk, and the ones that are show in there progress,as for leaning out that low it take a lot of disipline to get that lean, if u have been there u know what the fuck I am talking about! If u want it that bad u shouldn't have a problem, u have to be determined on what u want, winter is winter here in Canada so winter months with extra body fat is a plus, spring/summer months is to try to get lean as fuck :)
During my bulk I was eating upwards of 5000 cals a day 7 meals a day and didn't want to look at another piece of food at the end of the day
It works good as I am restricting my cals now slowly to hold onto as much mass as possible while I cut
3j has me on a 16 week time frame this year and it's going great so far :)

Ya know Matt, I remember you getting shit on a daily basis around here years ago, but I have to say - you SERIOUSLY stepped up your game and have really made some crazy improvements.

I love seeing stuff like this as it truly reminds me just how amazing the sheer power of motivation and education truly can be. THAT is what this lifestyle is about. I think we sometimes forget this as we get caught up in the other facets, but it all comes down to one simple thing:

How bad do you want it.

Sorry for the gushy derail folks, must be the post-workout endorphins kicking in. ;)
Thanks brother much appreciated halfwit :)
Everyone has to start out somewhere and u take the nagativity to positive energy and strive from there
A lot of people go hard for months and then give up
Realizing maybe steroids are not magic, but people seem to forget as well diet is the last piece of the puzzle people seem to solve
Been there done that, now got some gym people in my gym asking me what's wrong with the aas I am taking I am not seeing results
Hmmmmm lol one word explains best no matter your goals
Diet is key to success
But.myself I take things to an extreme, I think it's my obsession disorder maybe a recovering Alkie as well where I found a new hobby and take it out like I did drinking, eat, sleep, and think about it constantly, nothing is never good enough no matter where u stand physique wise u always wanna do better
People always comment but I doubt myself all the time wanting better, but who doesn't lol
For instance feel like a fatty in the winter, and feel like a twig in the summer hahaha never ends :)
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Mr. High and mighty talking like he's never porked a fatty. We all have fucked a hog or two bud, own up to it.

I've had a few, errr, aesthetically challenged women in my time but none of them were fat.

In fact I get a severe allergic reaction when fat chicks are in too close proximity so the chances of me fucking one are very slim.