Hello guys, I am new to this forum. So far loving it
So time to make my first thread.
I am 25 years old, been on a blast and cruise since 18 years old. I have bad acne scars which are currently getting treated through epidermal micro-needling. Helps stimulate collagen reproduction. Paying A LOT of money for this treatment. However, I am currently breaking out, and my solution is Accutane. I have used it several times in the past. The only reason I have not started it yet is because Accutane will hinder my skin treatment. So I have been trying to find some information about very low dose Accutane. Just enough to control my acne without hindering my skin healing and without experiencing any noticeable side effects.
Excess DHT in my body is causing my pores to get larger and my glands to produce more oil than they naturally do. Accutane will do the opposite, shrink the pores, and dry out the glands (or reduce the pace at which they produce oil which is what i need). Therefore, less oil, less bacteria because bacteria lives in oil. The white you see inside the what is called "white heads" are white blood cells fighting the P. Bacteria.
Dermatologists are idiots when it comes to steroid abuse, acne and skin treatments (accutane for example). Which is why I opt for forums where I could get more insight from people who have actually experienced what I am currently experiencing. I have generic Isotretinoin. Good stuff.
I really want to start off with the lowest possible dose to hinder my skin as little as possible. I was thinking 5mg ed to eod with fats, since Accutane is fat soluble and becomes more effective when taken with fatty meals. I don't want to front load. I really want to take it slowly, and see how i react with different dosing protocols.
What dose would you guys suggest me to start at?
My current blast cycle:
490mg Testosterone propionate
490mg Masteron propionate
700mg Trenbolone acetate
630mg Equipoise/boldenone
along with
250mcg GHRP-2 & 100mcg CJC-1295 NO DAC twice a day (1-2hours before workout and postwo)
200mcg Ipamorelin & 100mcg CJC-1295 NO DAC twice a day (morning and night, due to non-hunger effects compared to GHRP-2 and 6)
250mcg HGH FRAG 176-191 2-3 a day (before morning cardio, prewo, before bed)
60mcg IGF-1 DES bilaterally cycled on and off prewo
50mcg IGF-1 LR3 cycle on and off postwo
50mcg T3 a day
0.5mg Cabergoline e3d
0.375mg Arimidex a day
I recently added the GHRH and GHRPs to assist in skin collagen reproduction. Also, Growth Hormones help individuals handle AAS better. I have a vial of 100mg GHK-CU. Still reading on dosages and what water to use to reconstitute it.

I am 25 years old, been on a blast and cruise since 18 years old. I have bad acne scars which are currently getting treated through epidermal micro-needling. Helps stimulate collagen reproduction. Paying A LOT of money for this treatment. However, I am currently breaking out, and my solution is Accutane. I have used it several times in the past. The only reason I have not started it yet is because Accutane will hinder my skin treatment. So I have been trying to find some information about very low dose Accutane. Just enough to control my acne without hindering my skin healing and without experiencing any noticeable side effects.
Excess DHT in my body is causing my pores to get larger and my glands to produce more oil than they naturally do. Accutane will do the opposite, shrink the pores, and dry out the glands (or reduce the pace at which they produce oil which is what i need). Therefore, less oil, less bacteria because bacteria lives in oil. The white you see inside the what is called "white heads" are white blood cells fighting the P. Bacteria.
Dermatologists are idiots when it comes to steroid abuse, acne and skin treatments (accutane for example). Which is why I opt for forums where I could get more insight from people who have actually experienced what I am currently experiencing. I have generic Isotretinoin. Good stuff.
I really want to start off with the lowest possible dose to hinder my skin as little as possible. I was thinking 5mg ed to eod with fats, since Accutane is fat soluble and becomes more effective when taken with fatty meals. I don't want to front load. I really want to take it slowly, and see how i react with different dosing protocols.
What dose would you guys suggest me to start at?
My current blast cycle:
490mg Testosterone propionate
490mg Masteron propionate
700mg Trenbolone acetate
630mg Equipoise/boldenone
along with
250mcg GHRP-2 & 100mcg CJC-1295 NO DAC twice a day (1-2hours before workout and postwo)
200mcg Ipamorelin & 100mcg CJC-1295 NO DAC twice a day (morning and night, due to non-hunger effects compared to GHRP-2 and 6)
250mcg HGH FRAG 176-191 2-3 a day (before morning cardio, prewo, before bed)
60mcg IGF-1 DES bilaterally cycled on and off prewo
50mcg IGF-1 LR3 cycle on and off postwo
50mcg T3 a day
0.5mg Cabergoline e3d
0.375mg Arimidex a day
I recently added the GHRH and GHRPs to assist in skin collagen reproduction. Also, Growth Hormones help individuals handle AAS better. I have a vial of 100mg GHK-CU. Still reading on dosages and what water to use to reconstitute it.
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