Add Prop?


New member
I am planning on doing a test/eq/winny cycle in a month. This is what I am planning on doing. This also my second cycle.

1-10 500mgs QV test enanthate
1-10 400mgs Eq
6-12 50mgs/ed Winstrol
follwed by clomid

Should I add some prop in the first 4 or 5 weeks to kick start things off? My concern is that I have heard many some things on other boards about the last two batches (09 & 10) of QV enan. being underdosed maybe. I also used prop in my last cycle and I liked it. Thanks for any help!
You can add prop, if your body responded well before go ahead and add it. Also if you want to check what the batches of QV Enan. tested out to you can go to their website and check it with your batch #'s. Just my opinion, but if this is only your second cycle I would drop the Winstrol (winny) and do just the Test & EQ and see how that works.
BUFFDAWG10 said:
You can add prop, if your body responded well before go ahead and add it. Also if you want to check what the batches of QV Enan. tested out to you can go to their website and check it with your batch #'s. Just my opinion, but if this is only your second cycle I would drop the Winstrol (winny) and do just the Test & EQ and see how that works.

Yep....great advice :D
FlipMcneil said:
Thanks alot. I probably will drop the Winstrol (winny).

Good choice bro, and look if you are looking for that lean solid look EQ will give you that, considering you have a good diet. Remember your diet is the key to achieving your desired goal!!!! ;)
I am just as happy doubling the dose of a long ester in the first few weeks to get blood levels up quickly. IMO the time to consider prop in this cycle is in the last week and a half. I always finish with a short ester test.