adding a Lil gh to trt 29 years old


New member
Hey all been awhile just been reading for a few weeks on hgh and I'd like to ask a few questions here that I am unsure about.

29 225 lbs 6 foot 2 18% bf went on trt 8 months ago started at a 206 200-1000 and my dick didn't work so really liking this alot! Just looking for a little boost I'd guess you could say.

1. 1 to1.5 uis a day worth it of genotropin? anosomone or somatropin psl even compare?

2. At this low of a dose I'm looking to feel better look better and drop 10 lbs or so waste or just spend money on tren mast blast?

3. Too young For any gh
Gh is real good i used 2iu of seros and wish i could stay on forever. At that dose dont even consider generics ive used great generics at 5iu and didnt see shit. If i could go back i wouldn't spend the money i did on growth but i just had to knkw for myself what it was like. And i can say pharmaceutical hgh is amazing but if you cant afford to stay on id choose tren and mast all day. If i was rich i would only uses hgh and test.
The Ansomone is of Pharmacy quality and you can achieve great results on 1-2 iu's. Somatropin is a high end generic, so it's kind of a in the middle between generic and pharma. The Ansomone will be of similar quality to the Genotropins.

I wouldn't say you're too young for HGH, but I will say at 18% bf, losing 10lbs shouldn't be too difficult with a good diet and training. I'd hold off on a cycle until you get closer to 15% bf. HGH will surely help drop fat, and keep it off but you could certainly do it without it.
I agree with the losing weight on your own thing.

Now that you're on TRT you'll start seeing results in a more appropriate amount of time I would imagine. Bet you could drop 3-4% in no more than 3 mos without the GH!

Ditch the AAS idea until you're <=15% BF.

Now considering GH though, you're not looking to do a high dose or anything.. I wouldn't see any problem using it, it's just not necessary for your goal right now. Would cost a lot of money for something you could do for free on your own.

If you wanna kick your nutrition into high gear and get that fat off quick, invest in a plan with 3J. He'll make a recommendation on what plan is best for your goal, but I would say 3 mos.. longer if you want to be under his supervision when you're ready for a cycle!

Good luck man!
Would benefit and go for a blast IMO... Either blast the test up or just add in another compound, something like Masteron at 4-600mg alongside the TRT dose.