Adding low dose Tren to TRT


New member
I'm thinking of adding low dose tren to my 100mg/week trt regimen. I've been on trt for a few years now. I'm thinking 50-75mg eod tren A. I want to avoid sides if possible. I have a tendency to have a higher Hematocrit so I donate blood every 8 weeks.
and you wanna just stay on tren? man, that shit wreaks havoc on your body. unless you are a competitive bodybuilder you shouldn't really be on it for more than 8-12 weeks. but hey what do i know, im just some faceless juicehead on the internet
75mgs eod would probably be the minimum dose. I see a lot of people posting about they don't want any sides. Who does? If you dont want any possible sides then don't use tren. It's a give and take type of thing. I get a few from time to time. The results are worth it...
I know there are sides to everything. And I'm fine with that. Sides I'm talking about are hematocrit and BP. I would like to keep dosage on the lower end. I don't want it to go to high. I will be doing labs before during and after to keep an eye on it.
I know there are sides to everything. And I'm fine with that. Sides I'm talking about are hematocrit and BP. I would like to keep dosage on the lower end. I don't want it to go to high. I will be doing labs before during and after to keep an eye on it.

Both of these are controllable, just donate blood and (with your smaller doses) watch estradiol. It's only when you start climbing up there in doses that bp becomes very hard to control.
What sides have u ran into at these doses
i cant really remember because every time i ran 50mg ED was just the first week. the i did either 75 or 100ed. i got the usual, increased aggression, tren dick (when i didnt use caber for my first time using tren), night sweats, nightmares, a bit of anxiety and paranoia, increased body temperature. nothing unbearable. just sometimes the anxiety gets to me personally, but im already anxiety prone naturally. thats why i stay away from tren these days
I thought tren raised progesterone not estradoil. I have anxiety to but its worth it for a month or two. Do I need to take care or something to control progesterone even when at low dose.
I thought tren raised progesterone not estradoil. I have anxiety to but its worth it for a month or two. Do I need to take care or something to control progesterone even when at low dose.

Controlling estradiol will help prevent prolactin from becoming an issue. It is wise however, to pick up a dopamine agonist like caber or prami - just in case.
Yes it puts my estrogen perfectly in the middle of range. Not that it doesn't agree with me it just doesn't take much. I've been on the same dose of test for 2 years. Just panning to add tren for 6- 8 weeks. So your telling me to take a dex ed when I add tren and also cave if needed. I'm not to familiar with caber
Yes it puts my estrogen perfectly in the middle of range. Not that it doesn't agree with me it just doesn't take much. I've been on the same dose of test for 2 years. Just panning to add tren for 6- 8 weeks. So your telling me to take a dex ed when I add tren and also cave if needed. I'm not to familiar with caber

Nonono. I was saying if adex bothered you, that you could switch to asin which is a different AI altogether - that one is done every day.

If your dose of testosterone and AI are working, don't touch a thing; that means you're already good to go with tren. If however, you were changing doses of test around, it's very likely that you would need to change your adex dose too.

Cabergoline is a dopamine agonist (an "AI" for tren/deca) that will lower prolactin - the hormone responsible for deca/tren dick. I find that as long as estradiol is gtg, you LIKELY won't need to use caber (or other dopamine agonists like pramipexole and bromocriptine), but it's very wise to have it on-hand just in case.
Ok cool. What can I expect from adding tren. My current diet has been low carb high protein moderate fat Its what works best for me to shed weight. I'm going to slowly introduce more carbs and cut fats before and during the tren.
Ok cool. What can I expect from adding tren. My current diet has been low carb high protein moderate fat Its what works best for me to shed weight. I'm going to slowly introduce more carbs and cut fats before and during the tren.
tren will have you building muscle no matter what. i know that because all the times i was taking tren, i was losing bodyfat but remaining the same weight.