adding superdrol to my cycle

NOWAY when the fuck did you become such a fuckin rolodex of fuckin information? so far youve told me 'hope the sides arent too bad' and... '40mg aint no joke' heres your next fuckin post 'wow, sandwich taste good' state your fuckin purpose! what the fuck are you looking for or want? here i got some info for you; day3 im experiencing major fuckin rage from all the fuckin superdrol, im so angry i can taste blood. i feel like my livers gonna burst all over your FUCK TARD FACE!!! p.s. hopefully tomorrow will be a better day PERIOD

Okay - I'll stop beating around the bush. I think you're running too many compounds at too high dosages considering you've said that you've only run one compound before. However, you know you're body better than anyone, and it's your choice. Hope you have a good cycle :)
this is my first run with tren as well...but wow man, a liver biopsy??? oke, im going down to 30mg/day now :) im 37yrs old so i have to be more careful...rep power to you bro
day 6- still no sides to report, other than a bit of trouble sleeping at night...ive decided to lower my dosage to 5mg every 3 hours thru the day up to 30mg max. hit the gym again on saturday night...major strength increase, and shorter recovery time. lifted way more than i usually do...destroyed my upper body, insane pumps, felt great! cant stop eating...napped out hard on sunday, startin to grow, too...libido thru the roof!
day-8 - steady dosing the sdrol at 5mg every 3-4 hrs up to a max of 30mg/day...strength is insane right now. lean and cut, proviron is reducing my water weight... i injured my back at work about 3 weeks ago and its stilled messed up so im not doing legs because its too painful still...well, other than 10 minute pre and post work out warm up on the bike...still having trouble sleeping...other than that im stuffing my face smashing all food in sight. im back on 3j's diet and my body is changing noticeably every day...fucking crazy shit...libido is still thru the roof...tonight its time to pin again: 1.5cc's pinnacle test e and 1.5 cc's homebrewed tren a...thats whats up
keep us updated. how long you running SD for? I'd keep it @30mg and no more if the only side is insomnia...I always have insomnia regardless of gear
hey whats up bro... im gonna run it for 21 days, and call it quits. thanks for the heads up, been hearing 30mg/day is the magic number with sdrol, no more...i ll keep the log going, hopefully some will find it helpful :)
Okay - I'll stop beating around the bush. I think you're running too many compounds at too high dosages considering you've said that you've only run one compound before. However, you know you're body better than anyone, and it's your choice. Hope you have a good cycle :)

I agree with this guy...dont take offense op but those doses are pretty high especially with still being a rookie to gear.
hey whats up bro... im gonna run it for 21 days, and call it quits. thanks for the heads up, been hearing 30mg/day is the magic number with sdrol, no more...i ll keep the log going, hopefully some will find it helpful :)
30mg/day is definitately better than 40mg/day also. Should be just a little less harsh atleast lol.
I agree with this guy...dont take offense op but those doses are pretty high especially with still being a rookie to gear.

Ya now that I've reread it I'm confused at how much gear he's actually running...

Gypsy, Are you running 1.5cc test-e E3D or 2x/week? And are you pinning tren-a E3D as well? In this situation I would pin Test-E E4D and the Tren-ace EOD so the injection days match up.
thanks everyone for all the input. i certainly take no offense at any criticism of the cycle im on...hell, if it werent for this log and peoples input i would still be running sdrol at 40mg/day, which im glad i am not :)

yo lupi, right now, im pinning the test e & tren a in one pin, 1.5 cc's each every 3 days. btw, last night i go to pin my quad, and soon as i put the pin in, i hit a vein...blood all over the place. i thought to myself, oke, first time for i removed the pin, and re-pin my same quad in another area, i get the pin all the way in, aspirate the syringe, and draw up blood...again! fuck i shoulda played the lotto, wtf are the chances?! so i removed the syringe and ended up pinning my other quad. jesus christ.
this is my 5th cycle. ive previously run cypionate, deca, enanthate, sustanon, & 4 test. but never at this volume, or w this many compounds. what i did though, was i started w the test e, and after a couple weeks i added the tren a, and a month or so later i added the sdrol and proviron. i wanted to start then one at a time to see how my body will react to each compound. so far, so good, started my cycle june 1st. im 37yrs old.
out of curiosity, since a lot of you guys are saying im running too high of doses and too many compounds, ide like to hear what you guys run and at what doses and for how long...anyone?
Lol I'm running Test@250 and Mast@350 for a cutter/recomp to finish out the summer. Once Mid-september hits I will swapping out Mast for Tren-e @400mg/week.. This is my 2nd cycle and will last 20weeks. I like longer, low dosed cycles..
yo lupi, right now, im pinning the test e & tren a in one pin, 1.5 cc's each every 3 days. btw, last night i go to pin my quad, and soon as i put the pin in, i hit a vein...blood all over the place. i thought to myself, oke, first time for i removed the pin, and re-pin my same quad in another area, i get the pin all the way in, aspirate the syringe, and draw up blood...again! fuck i shoulda played the lotto, wtf are the chances?! so i removed the syringe and ended up pinning my other quad. jesus christ.

You should be pinning tren-a at least EOD, ED is even better..never heard of someone pinning E3D with an Ace ester... Like I said I would pin the test E4D and the Tren-a EOD so your injects match up.

And I', assuming the test is 250mg/ml and the tren is 100mg/ml? Thats ~875/week test and 350/week tren. That's not outrageous for your 5th cycle but at the higher end... and just that SD and Tren have some of the worst sides
i ll give it a shot w pinning the tren ED n see how it goes...since its fast acting i should know if pinning ED is working well in about say...6-10 days?? im running from june 1st-nov 1st(5 mo)...the tren a isnt giving me any unmanageable sides as of yet...the typical oily skin, occasional sore nips(anastrezole does the trick) really my only complaint so far is trouble sleeping...this is like the 3rd or 4th day. it started after taking the sdrol. im on day 9 tho, almost to the halfway mark of 21 days. appetites still up, eatin clean doin 3j's diet. libido is still super high, strength is way interested to see how pinning the tren ED will affect all that...i gotta tell ya tho bro, thats a lot of fuckin tren. its homebrewed, im guessing its probably 75mg/cc at best, realistically...but pinning tren every day is like 525mg of tren/wk! just seems like a lot! i think its funny though, cuz a lotta guys have been tryin to ding me for using so many compounds at such a high volume and now you suggest upping my tren dose, and im questioning it, its like we switched places, haha!
I didn't say you should be pinning 1cc ED!!! that is alot of tren, especially with that test dose. I said it wasn't outrageous to pin 875mg/week of test with 350mg/week of tren (Which is what I assumed you were running) because it's your 5th cycle

If you're moving to ED injects just pin .67cc that will get you 350 tren/week
Lol I'm running Test@250 and Mast@350 for a cutter/recomp to finish out the summer. Once Mid-september hits I will swapping out Mast for Tren-e @400mg/week.. This is my 2nd cycle and will last 20weeks. I like longer, low dosed cycles..

Why do you go for lower dosed, longer cycles? You experience less side effects, or feel like you keep gains better?

I feel like running a longer cycle would cause a more difficult recovery regardless of how the dosages are.. (I'm talking like 500-600 test, nothing crazy above that).

Just curious about this...and I base this on no experience, just what I'm thinkin in my head.
Why do you go for lower dosed, longer cycles? You experience less side effects, or feel like you keep gains better?

I feel like running a longer cycle would cause a more difficult recovery regardless of how the dosages are.. (I'm talking like 500-600 test, nothing crazy above that).

My first cycle was only 9weeks, wish it ran longer and felt that I didn't need as much gear as I was pinning--> just over 500mg of test/week. and yes the faster you gain the harder it is to keep it.. also I plan to increase the total amount of gear I use with every cycle..Rather start low and learn that's all I need to grow rather than start with a bang and before you know it your pinning multiple grams of total gear, fuck that.

I think a first cycle should be 350-450mg test and no more for 14weeks.. Also once you're shut-down it makes little difference if you are shutdown for 10 or 20 weeks especially with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (or clomid) on cycle to keep nut function going...
i agree w lupi...ive always run 8-9 wk cycles...@500mg test/wk...and yes quick gains equal quick loss... idk how old you are, but im 37, which i feel is old enough to run gear longer than 8 weeks...but i dont feel im old enough to just cruise at a lower dose w no off time at all...after this cycle ill be off gear for 6 months min...