Adex dosing issues AGAIN.


New member
Need some advice guys. Just got my E2 results back and my E2 is crashed again. On the 26/4 (at 0.25mg adex ED) my E2 was 22.34pg/mL (reference range 19.1 -> 40.86), this was clearly too low and I felt it, so I reduced my dose to 0.25mg EOD. A month later 30/5 E2 was at 32.69pg/mL - a pretty good result I thought so I maintained this dose. At the same time my doctor theorized (due to other results) that I may have some liver issues so started up additional NAC + a liver health complex. Lately I've been getting all the low E2 symptoms - incredibly dry hands and face (to the point of being flaky and white), joint pain, blistering lips, etc. So I went in for some more blood work. 19/6 my E2 was <19.1pg/ml - so it is crashed, which I had strongly suspected already. Obviously what I'm taking for my liver is helping and now it's actually able to metabolize the adex which is why the same dose is so much stronger for me now.
To my question, I have been on 0.25mg EOD which is now to strong, therefore the obvious progression would be E3D. My questions are:

- In a dosing schedule of HCG 24h before Tshot, which is E3D when would be the best time to take the 0.25mg adex? At the same time as the Tshot? 12h after? 24h after?

- What's the minimum time to wait to get new bloods done to confirm this dose?
I take my Arimidex at the same time as when I do my injections. Makes it easy to remember.

You should be able to get new blood work in 10-14 days if the only thing you change is your E2 dose.
What about taking the Adex at same time as HCG dose?
How much of each are you using?
I too used HCG E3D before T shot E3D.
Even 0.25 mg ADEX was a tad much for me E3D.
I doubt I was aromatizing much at 60 mg E3D and 350 I.u. HCG E3D.
What about taking the Adex at same time as HCG dose?
How much of each are you using?
I too used HCG E3D before T shot E3D.
Even 0.25 mg ADEX was a tad much for me E3D.
I doubt I was aromatizing much at 60 mg E3D and 350 I.u. HCG E3D.

210iu HCG, 83mg Test E E3D. 0.25mg had me spot on previously, but now it's too much - it'll be interesting to see how little of a dose i'll need as my liver issues are resolved.
Hadn't really considered taking adex with the HCG, any reason why you'd suggest it?
You might not even need one at those doses.

I've been on this dosing schedule for a while now and in the past have definitely needed an AI, but it seems like as my liver issues are getting better, adex seems to be getting stronger. Who knows, it may get to the point where I can forgo the AI all together.
Only labs will tell as well as sides.
You will want to see peak and trough estradiol.
Now you are shooting two different compounds...
I had a hell of a time finding a suitable dose with my TRT schedule.
To dial this in I'll probably stick to E2 tests 48h after tshot and adex, my trough is only another 24h after this so there shouldn't be a huge variation me thinks.
I had lumps and very mild gyno coming on with 80 mg T E3D and 500 I.u. HCG E3D. I dosed adex at 0.25 mg twice a week if I remember right.
Anyway my trough T level was 1271 ng /dl on that protocol. Way too high man.
I had lumps and very mild gyno coming on with 80 mg T E3D and 500 I.u. HCG E3D. I dosed adex at 0.25 mg twice a week if I remember right.
Anyway my trough T level was 1271 ng /dl on that protocol. Way too high man.

My last trough on this protocol was 8-900.
I respond well to gear as you see.
Lowrred all my doses to 60 mg E3D and 350 I.u HCG E3D
And trough TT was 831 ng/dl
I am currently on 100mg Test and 300 IU's HCG every 3.5 days, I take .5mg of Adex the day after my Test injection and my E2 is right at 35 which is where I feel the best at.
I am currently on 100mg Test and 300 IU's HCG every 3.5 days, I take .5mg of Adex the day after my Test injection and my E2 is right at 35 which is where I feel the best at.

When do you take the HCG in relation to the test and when do you get your blood work done on that protocol?
Hi fellas, interesting reading here...

My E2 is elevated, and I've just started taking 0.5mg Adex every other day...

How soon do you think Adex gets to work? Or is it down to the individual...?

I've had an outbreak of shoulder acne and my last results showed both T and E2 to be high...

High T I can handle, but I'd like to get the E2 back in range... just don't want to stay on 0.5mg EOD too long and crash my E2...

Any thoughts?

PS: I don't have access to regular E2 testing over here unfortunately, so I'm gonna have to go by feel on this for now :(
Hi fellas, interesting reading here...

My E2 is elevated, and I've just started taking 0.5mg Adex every other day...

How soon do you think Adex gets to work? Or is it down to the individual...?

I've had an outbreak of shoulder acne and my last results showed both T and E2 to be high...

High T I can handle, but I'd like to get the E2 back in range... just don't want to stay on 0.5mg EOD too long and crash my E2...

Any thoughts?

PS: I don't have access to regular E2 testing over here unfortunately, so I'm gonna have to go by feel on this for now :(

Adex starts working straight away, but it works by stopping the aromatization of test. So you can get your E2 to a good level but still have estradiol floating around your system. You may want to look at adding some DIM to help flush out the excess E2 quicker, as DIM works on helping the body remove E2 quicker whereas adex stops the conversion to E2.
Also, you're better off building up the adex slowly. Take it from someone whose crushed their E2 a couple of times, there is no worse feeling.
Hi fellas, interesting reading here...

My E2 is elevated, and I've just started taking 0.5mg Adex every other day...

How soon do you think Adex gets to work? Or is it down to the individual...?

I've had an outbreak of shoulder acne and my last results showed both T and E2 to be high...

High T I can handle, but I'd like to get the E2 back in range... just don't want to stay on 0.5mg EOD too long and crash my E2...

Any thoughts?

PS: I don't have access to regular E2 testing over here unfortunately, so I'm gonna have to go by feel on this for now :(

give it a few days to start noticing the effects of the adex. Within 10 days you should be leveled off. As mentioned earlier, go easy. Low E2 sucks.
Thanks fellas, I'd originally figured 0.5mg EOD for 2 weeks then drop to 0.5 E3D....

I might lower this even more though in this case...

I'll also get some DIM for this and future occasions... appreciated!
Thanks fellas, I'd originally figured 0.5mg EOD for 2 weeks then drop to 0.5 E3D....

I might lower this even more though in this case...

I'll also get some DIM for this and future occasions... appreciated!

Adex is pretty strong. Many guys on cycles don't tsjr that much adex. Maybe try starting at ,25mg twice a week.