ADEX, Testosterone detection times................................

Ive been piss tested many times while running diffrent compounds including adex and test never have failed a test or had to mask anything

It depends on the testing being done! The tests for testosterone are based on a testosterone/epi-testosterone ratio. Not on a measurable ng/dl-type reading !
I'm curious, you are on TRT so why would a drug test be of concern?

But I have never really heard for drug testing of adex, there is no real reason to do so as it is not a recreational drug and doesn't give a clear cut steroid-use indication either...

T depends on the ester and they have to individually test for T itself, but Test Enanthate is detectable upto 3 months IIRC. Prop is 1 months I think?
Oh sport yeah absolutely, I thought this was for workplace drug testing... Viciouscycle, I believe it's only the athletes that would be getting tested for everything.