Damn, can't believe no one else has posted anything.
You may want to do some digging on drugs dot com, see if your med will have any interactions with post cycle therapy medicines Clomid and Nolvadex, as well as HCG.
I would try to find some additional information on using it all together if you can find any useful medical publications.
I would, before considering anything, have blood work done to see where you stand.
If you're low I would ask around here about an HPTA restart, but especially do your research on all the meds you will need. HCG, Clomid, Nolvadex and your hydrocortisone medication.
Turns out I'm not secondary, I have what they call adrenal burnout, it was caused by my dumb ass taking 1mg arimidex ed off cycle. Causing me to go hyperthyroid, staying hyper for so long caused my adrenals to burn out. Had a morning cortisol level of 3.6 while in the ER. They gave me a acth stim test. 30 min after stim cortisol rose to 19.5. 60 min after stim cortisol rose to 26.7. So my adrenals do work but are just pretty much fried and need a rest?
Lab results as of 7/4/15:
Total test 187 ref range 260-1080
Free test 4.75
Shbg 15
Bio avail test 121.9
Dhea 175 ref range. 280-640
Lh 3.0
Fsh 5.6 ref range 1.4-18.1
Tsh 1.020 ref range .200-4.7
Total t3 52 ref range 60-180
I'm seeing a urologist that just started me on trt 200mg test cyp every two weeks starting today. I know it's gonna take some time for the test to kick in but man I've never felt so miserable in my life. I'm severely depressed and can you say skin crawling anxiety? Can't stop eating Xanax. Never had anxiety or depression in my life so I just keep telling myself "it's just you're hormones" trying not to eat a bullet.
Now low test obviously comes with list of symptoms, anxiety, depression, no sex drive. Pretty much you just exist In life but can care less about anything in life.
As for my low dhea that's from the adrenal burnout, I haven't supplemented with any dhea because I really don't know much about it or what kind of symptoms come along with low dhea but my levels are very low. Maybe you guys can help me? As well as my total t3 is low don't know much about that either.
Pretty much desperate for any advise! Thank you