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I'm currently coming off a 3 month blast of sust 300 and I really wanna step this cycle up. I was thinking about running 1300 mgs test e then switched to cyp half way for 15 weeks kick started with 50 mg drol for 4 weeks and then 100mg tren ace ed week 4 to 12. this cycle kinda seems boring to me being that I usually stick to these compounds and am just looking for vets or experienced users to weigh in and offer a better cycle that has worked for them or something else to amp this up I'm just looking for as much size out of this as I can get. I'll also be trying ghrp 2 with cjc 1295 no dac at 300mcgs for first 2 months of cycle and 50mcgs igf 1 post work out the month after that. Any opinions are welcome:)
bf 11
You're coming off a blast and looking to blast again right after? Or do you not know what a "blast" is?

Why would you switch from Enanthate to Cypionate halfway? It's practically the same. It's not going to hurt anything.. if the mg/wk stays the same, I just don't think any of us will see the point in this.

I can't give any input whatsoever about the Peptides, or the Anadrol.

I am curious as to why you're going to do a long ester test for 15 weeks, which will leave you to TRT dose or PCT at 16.5 weeks, but, doing Tren Ace in the dead center of it? What is your plan with that?

1300mg/wk Long Ester Test (E or C) for 15 weeks.

Weeks 1-15
Test E - 650mg E3.5d

Weeks 1-4
Anadrol - 50mg/ED

Weeks 1-8
GHRP-2 - ??/day
CJC 1295 - 300mcgs/day

Weeks 4-12
Tren Ace - 100mg/day


How come you don't kickstart with the Anadrol, to bloat up and get big.. and then finish with the Tren at the very end of it. Since you're doing 8 weeks, you would run the tren from Week 7-15.

But, then you say.. "I'm looking for as much size out of this as I can get". How's your diet? Why not just do a traditional bulk cycle with Test/Deca/Dbol, eat big, and clean. Cut up at the tail end of spring.. maybe with Test/Tren/Mast or something similar. Adjust diet for that.

Maybe look into HGH to help boost your lean mass growth and compliment both cycles. I bet it would do a lot more than a few peptides. Not to mention the countless other benefits of it..

I suppose I'm just a little lost in what you're aiming to do, how your diet will look on this, why you chose the things you chose, and why in that order?
hypnotix, he said he is coming off a sust 300 blast....he may have literally been on only 300mg EW...not a blast at all. But then, his post was incredibly hard to read and a bit vague.

as for cycle, I would dislike using drol into that much test then tren...unless you're really spot on with your AI dosage. Hope you're getting blood work on that one as that's an easy way to spike e2 and prolactin.
Okay so by blast I meant cruise my bad. the reason for the test switch is that's what I have for 15 weeks at that dose that's the only reason. the drol with the tren is because it works for me I don't bloat much from the drol and tren has never game me an issue. I don't get gyno symptoms and have only had elevated E2 once when I was being an idiot
I'm currently coming off a 3 month blast of sust 300 and I really wanna step this cycle up. I was thinking about running 1300 mgs test e then switched to cyp half way for 15 weeks kick started with 50 mg drol for 4 weeks and then 100mg tren ace ed week 4 to 12. this cycle kinda seems boring to me being that I usually stick to these compounds and am just looking for vets or experienced users to weigh in and offer a better cycle that has worked for them or something else to amp this up I'm just looking for as much size out of this as I can get. I'll also be trying ghrp 2 with cjc 1295 no dac at 300mcgs for first 2 months of cycle and 50mcgs igf 1 post work out the month after that. Any opinions are welcome:)
bf 11

run that pep combo atleast 5-7 months if you are to expect much (like hgh)
also no need to go crazy with cycles and dosages imo.... maybe try 600mg-1g teste ew and 500mg maste ew
hypnotix, he said he is coming off a sust 300 blast....he may have literally been on only 300mg EW...not a blast at all. But then, his post was incredibly hard to read and a bit vague.

as for cycle, I would dislike using drol into that much test then tren...unless you're really spot on with your AI dosage. Hope you're getting blood work on that one as that's an easy way to spike e2 and prolactin.

I know.. I was being a little facetious. I expected that he was just cruising.. but wasn't ruling out the fact that he was oblivious at the same time. Sorry, I can be a dick at times. :D

OP, don't you think taking the money from the peptide regimen and incorporating it into the AAS regimen will yield a more effective result? Peptides are a long game... do you have the time and money to commit?
I know.. I was being a little facetious. I expected that he was just cruising.. but wasn't ruling out the fact that he was oblivious at the same time. Sorry, I can be a dick at times. :D

OP, don't you think taking the money from the peptide regimen and incorporating it into the AAS regimen will yield a more effective result? Peptides are a long game... do you have the time and money to commit?
honestly I don't know much about Peptides I wasn't aware you need 6+months of commitment to yield results
I'm mainly just looking for a new exciting cycle I've ran Mast not interested much in that and I've heard that deca is just a puffy bloated look. I've thought about eq but from what I gather it's either garbage or can cause bad anxiety which doesn't great. just looking for something new
The majority of bloating is estrogen and diet. High estrogen will cause water retention. Carbohydrates will cause water retention.

I get puffy all over when I eat 90% of the carbohydrates out there. Aside from potato and rice.. literally everything makes me look and feel like shit. Dairy does wonders to my body too.. just upset stomach, bloating, gas, etc.

Everyone seems to think its the drugs that are doing it all. Everything is here on the site for you to figure out how to control bloating on anything you want to take.. except maybe estrogen, and 2000g of carbs a day :)
I'm mainly just looking for a new exciting cycle I've ran Mast not interested much in that and I've heard that deca is just a puffy bloated look. I've thought about eq but from what I gather it's either garbage or can cause bad anxiety which doesn't great. just looking for something new

if you get that from deca you're doing it wrong! I'm on deca in my avatar - 10kgs lighter than I am now.

EQ leading to anxiety? wtf? high BP sure, higher cost as you need to run quite a lot as it's weaker then most on a per mg basis...but anxiety?