advice from 3j please


New member
people are telling me to talk to you, because you know your shit. This is my current cycle

I'm 28
185-190 pounds
bf% maybe 15% (I don't really know)

1.2g of tmax
400mg tren enan
400mg masteron
150mg winstrol
2iu somatropin 5 days a week in the morning (i take sat and sunday off)

that's per week, and I inject 3 times a week (mwf) I work out 4-5 days a week (at around 8 or 9pm because I'm busy in the daytime) along with 2 days a week of BJJ (2 hours each day) a week

I'm 185-190 pounds, and the one thing I thought I had in check was my diet, but people on these forums have been saying my diet's garbage so please help me out

I wake up to 2 cans on tuna that I rinse to get out any excess salt, along with a cup of oatmeal (no sugar no taste) than a couple hours later I'll take my protein shake, than a couple hours later I will eat some chicken (sometimes a whole chicken) and a decent portion of brown rice. I cut off the carbs by 5-6pm except for green veggies and of course my meats, and will have a few more meals. I don't drink at all, and I don't smoke (cigarettes). I eat a lot, and thought I was getting enough calories and what not, but I guess I'm not. For the last couple weeks I've been trying to dirty bulk, so aside from getting a proper amount of protein each day, I eat whatever the hell I want, so I'll eat burgers, fries, simple sugars, you name it, and I have gotten a little bigger, but I've also put on some body fat with it, which I don't like.

What do you suggest I do differently? My goal is to get to 200 pounds (or more) but I hate that floater look, I like to be vascular, and I'd rather be smaller and vascular rather than bigger with those ugly arms that look like you had water injected in them
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that's a head ache to read... can you put your diet in meal time format please??
sorry about that, hopefully this will make it better

2 cans of tuna (rinsed to get out any excess salt)
1 cup of oatmeal (instant :S)

protein shake

2 chicken breasts with veggies
about a bowl of brown rice

chicken or steak with veggies


sometimes I'll eat before going to the gym, but not always.

this is right after working out I take a protein shake

^I'm a student so I don't always get this down right. Sometimes in the morning I'll be running late so I'll just take the protein shake in the morning, rather than eat. I use to eat a lot of egg whites, but I've been so busy I haven't even had the time to boil them, but I got some extra time now so I should be able to get back on egg whites.
yea its not fit for your goals at all.. it needs a complete overhaul..

your fairly active.. esp on the days you do jiu-jitsu (i do jiu-jitsu 5 days a week 2hrs a day minimum) so i know what thats like..

your simply not getting enough calories in.. your doing too many shakes.. meals 1 thorugh 5 need to have carbs in them.. every last one.. on bjj days the carbs need to be higher..

do you know your bf?
I'm not sure what my bf% is. I think probably around 15% or so. If I knew how to add a pic I would. I tried to put an avatar pic, but it wouldn't let me, even when I made it with low pixel.

The thing about the bjj training I do is I'm in a very hot and humid place, and the gym I train in has no AC, or even a fan, so you can imagine doing 2 hours of pretty intense training with weather that is on average about 30 degrees Celsius. These days it's closer to 40 :S:S:S:S

So is the instant oatmeal all that bad? I read where you said it's no good, but I'm really busy. Even eating the amount I'm eating now is pretty difficult with my time so I take as many shortcuts as I can, and it's not like I'm training to be Mr Olympia, I just want to get to 200 pounds lean, so hypothetically if I'm 15% bf now I'd like to go to about 9%