Hey guys,
Its been a long while that I've planned to jump on gear and I'm almost ready. I've planning to jump on Test E for a 12wk 500mg p/w cycle. However, since the first cycle is always going to be the most effective one (if done right), I was wondering what everyone's thoughts were on stacking it with tren?
Since Test E has a slow kick I was thinking of doing the following:
Test Prop wk 1-2, Test Enan Wk 2-12, Tren wk 1-10?
Dosage wise I was thinking 250mg x2 test E, 200mg x2 tren, still not sure about the prop dosage and whether its worth injecting?
I have read up on Tren and some recommend Tren A since it has a short ester and if it has bad sides its better to use so getting off wont drag but what are your thought?
stats 21, 5"7', 154lbs bf 13%
After quality feedback, no negativity please
Its been a long while that I've planned to jump on gear and I'm almost ready. I've planning to jump on Test E for a 12wk 500mg p/w cycle. However, since the first cycle is always going to be the most effective one (if done right), I was wondering what everyone's thoughts were on stacking it with tren?
Since Test E has a slow kick I was thinking of doing the following:
Test Prop wk 1-2, Test Enan Wk 2-12, Tren wk 1-10?
Dosage wise I was thinking 250mg x2 test E, 200mg x2 tren, still not sure about the prop dosage and whether its worth injecting?
I have read up on Tren and some recommend Tren A since it has a short ester and if it has bad sides its better to use so getting off wont drag but what are your thought?
stats 21, 5"7', 154lbs bf 13%
After quality feedback, no negativity please