advice needed


New member

I would like to get advice from you guys and your opinion concerning my husband. We are both very athletic, cook and execrise together, amazing team, gym freaks almost!
He ran his first cycle about 5 years ago and he decided to do it again about 4 months ago. Of course he loved the results both times but this time I could notice that he had very sudden mood swings which was not the case the first time he ran. After the end of this cycle I even noticed mild depression and some agression (but never towards me of course and never physical).
He is usually a very happy and positive person and to see him go into moods like that is really breaking my heart.
I know that use of peptides can cause this but I was wondering if anyone else here experienced that? How did you deal with it? And also how long after the end of the cycle did it stop?

I really appreciate all your help!
So I'm assuming from your answer that he didnt PCT for these cycles - that is prolly the issue.

yes he did do post cycle therapy (pct). I cant remember what's it called right now. But I know its supposed to help from your body producing high estrogen levels after your cycle.
;2867817 said:
Need to know the exact cyle and post cycle therapy (pct) - but if he didnt post cycle therapy (pct) correctly that could be a big issue - not only need to focus on high estrogen levels, but on low test levels - here's a link with more information:

post cycle therapy (pct) - Post Cycle Therapy - Everything you need to know!

I hope that helps, if not hopefully the men can give you more information

Hi alogia67

Yes you are right, and yes he had two parts to his post cycle therapy (pct). Again I am not sure of the name but he did focus on high estrogen levels and well as low test levels.
He had some mood swings during his cycle and they did continue after as well. However now I can also see as I mentioned mild depression which is completely against his character. I understand that it may be from the cycle and while his body still adjusts but I would like to know if anyone of the guys here had a similar problem.
He can also see it, and he told me he hopes its not permanent.
For me he is the most amazing person in the whole world and I dont like to see him going through this. I would like to mention that for someone who doesnt know him as well as I do he would be his old self since the depression is mild as I mentioned and he doesn;t have the mood swings all the time.

Thanks again alogia67 for all your help!