advice on cycle please, and i u got any tweaks let me know please


New member
hey all,
was thinking of running this for a bulking cycle.
I am 5-9 175 bf 12%

6 week cycle
Test p 750mg a week 1-6wk
Deca 400mg a week 1-4wk
Dianabol 30mg a day 1-4wk
Clomed mg 100 week 7 decend
Tamoximed mg 50 week 7 decend

any advice or tweak would really be appreciated thank you
Cycle history and age? 5'9" and 175 lbs is pretty...small if you've cycled before, and still small if you've trained for 5-10 years natty and are 25 years or older. Could happen, just saying. You don't need 750mg/week test at that size. 500/400 test/deca should be fine, up the Dbol to 40-50 ED/30 days. You are also probably fine with running clomid at 50/50/50/50.
run your cycle longer . clomid (clomiphene citrate) 50mg/day
take out tamoximed and substitute arimidex (anastrozole) .5mg/day
I didn't look at your weeks. Run test 8-10 weeks. Deca a min of 8 next to it if not 10 as well. Attention to detail, Tbone and Tmangh caught you. Posting distracted = bad.
I have done two other cycles before, a few years ago. had a Cpl kids and been getting back into my routine of things. actually as of today 182. not that that is a bigger weight gain but bein up front here..... so run the test at 500 and the deca @ 400 week and dbol at 50 a week. I like what I read about the arimidex, I just went with the clomid and nolv cause that's what I ran before in my cycles. and running test should be atleast 6 weeks?
thanks guys for ur input I really appreciate it.....
Run test atleast 14 weeks if your running deca. Deca should be ran atleast 12 weeks. Your using the wrong ester of test and deca if your thinking of a 6 week cycle. Completely pointless...
You can run a 6 week cycle, but you aren't going to see the benefits from Deca fully until week 8 or so. Hence most people are recommending you do between 8-12 weeks of test/deca. At 8 weeks, you'd still get a diminishing effect weeks 9 and 10 before you started PCT because of the esters. But your system will dump the test prop and with a lingering deca effect, you're cruising for some shitty sides.
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hey man thanks for your advice...... I really don't wanna be crusing for some shitty sides...... would you mind telling me what you would do then ie change test p to test e etc.... and I will make this cycle 12 weeks also... so if you don't mind im sure its al ittle obvious but some good guidance would really be appreciated....

thanks man