Well iv just finished a Tren PH oral only cycle.
Extreme Labs TB Carnage.
Strength gains were amazing!
Bench went from 176 to 220lbs
Dumbell Press (Incline chest) went from 60lbs to 99lbs
Squat 176lbs to 264lbs
Deadlift 308lbs to 396lbs
Bodyweight went from 154lbs to 175lbs
Overall very happy! Until about week 3 (out of 4) Fatigue was all the time low, constantly tired, constantly moody.
MAJOR shutdown!
Basically im gonna run another cycle October until Xmas time, Im going to run a stronger PH like SD with Test400 or test eth? Is this a good stack or?
Extreme Labs TB Carnage.
Strength gains were amazing!
Bench went from 176 to 220lbs
Dumbell Press (Incline chest) went from 60lbs to 99lbs
Squat 176lbs to 264lbs
Deadlift 308lbs to 396lbs
Bodyweight went from 154lbs to 175lbs
Overall very happy! Until about week 3 (out of 4) Fatigue was all the time low, constantly tired, constantly moody.
MAJOR shutdown!
Basically im gonna run another cycle October until Xmas time, Im going to run a stronger PH like SD with Test400 or test eth? Is this a good stack or?