Advice on pct & results


New member

I ran a 8ish week cycle of tren, test, prop short esters pinning 50mg ED of each. I gained about 20lb and some decent strength gains which i have kept so far. I am on my 16th day of PCT as of now.

I "bridged" to my pct with hCG @ 1000iu EW for two weeks after my last pin, to give time for some clearance before starting nolva and clomid.

PCT plan was:
Clomid 50/50/0/0
Nolva 20/20/20/20

Anyway now to the point, right as i started my PCT i got sick with the flu and was out cold for about 5 days with fever. Before fever and flu, i had 17lbs kept from my cycle which is fine considering prop bloat and all. But during this week i lost pretty much half of what i gained in weight and i am now, a week after starting working out again, only 10lbs heavier than when i started the cycle.

I have kept my kcal intake to above maintenance, just 100-150 kcal below my bulk intake. Strength wise i feel fine, i have kept pretty much all of it.

What is concerning is that people state very dry gains from tren, all weight keepable etc. Also 'massive strength increases' that go away immediately after dropping tren. None of this holds true for me. And im starting to wonder now whether or not i got f'ked by my supplier on the gear.

Some state that SERMs dry you out due to being anti estrogens and such, how true is this? I suppose the weight drop could be partly due to this. Atleast this would confirm that i really do have PCT stuff and not sugar pills.

Starting my 3rd week of PCT now and still feel shit, depressed, lethargic as hell. I sleep maybe 12 hours a day in two phases. Do i need to lengthen the pct? I have doubts that it will get any better by just one week. Starting to get paranoid thinking all my gear and pct product is bunk lol

Very reputable domestic source btw, read nothing but good about the stuff.
What else do you run with your Tren and Prop? Aromatase Inhibitor I hope? If not, I think we all know what happened to your supposed "gains".

Do you have blood work from your cycle and after PCT to share?

SERMs are not an " anti-astrogen". They block estrogen in the breast tissue and "trick" the pituitary gland into not recognizing estradiol. But they do nothing to lower estradiok levels. You are perhaps thinking of Aromatase Inhibitors.

Why didn't you run Clomid for the entire PCT?

Why didn't you use hCG during your entire cycle?

Did you use a Dopamine Agonist?

How old are you? Height? Weight pre and post cycle? Years training?
What else do you run with your Tren and Prop? Aromatase Inhibitor I hope? If not, I think we all know what happened to your supposed "gains".

Mast prop, was a cut stack. No AI

Do you have blood work from your cycle and after PCT to share?

My PCT is not done yet like i said. And i'd probably want a washout period after im done before getting blood drawn

SERMs are not an " anti-astrogen". They block estrogen in the breast tissue and "trick" the pituitary gland into not recognizing estradiol. But they do nothing to lower estradiok levels. You are perhaps thinking of Aromatase Inhibitors.

They dont just block estrogen receptors in breast tissue, they due in pituitary too for instance. Agonist/antagonist effect depending on tissue, thats why they are modulators. But whatever.

Why didn't you run Clomid for the entire PCT?

Again, im not done yet. And i dont due to the emotional side effects.

Why didn't you use hCG during your entire cycle?

I did, where did i say i didnt?

Did you use a Dopamine Agonist?

No because i had no libido issues

How old are you? Height? Weight pre and post cycle? Years training?
25 years old, 6'2, 200->220->210, 7th year and counting

Also, if i indeed got test prop, bloat should have subsided by the time i entered PCT. Besides how much of a bloat can you gain from 350mg test prop EW while running mast and tren?

Also i'd appreciate if you could drop the condescending tone, im not retarded. Stop assuming stuff i havent written
Also, if i indeed got test prop, bloat should have subsided by the time i entered PCT. Besides how much of a bloat can you gain from 350mg test prop EW while running mast and tren?

Also i'd appreciate if you could drop the condescending tone, im not retarded. Stop assuming stuff i havent written

You got bloat because you didnt use an Aromatase Inhibitor. Most likely your estradiol was elevated. SERMs do not inhibit aromatization at all. So a lot of your "gains" were water which is why you are losing your "gains".

You only said that you used hCG between your last injection and PCT. You didn't say you used it during your 8 week cycle. hCG is used during a cycle to help prevent testicular atrophy which helps one recover their Natty T faster during PCT.

You probably had libido issues due to not managing estradiol or Prolactin. If you werent going to use an Aromatase Inhibitor, a dopamine agonist was essential. Having a limp dick due to elevated Prolactin is no fun.

I didn't detect a tone in my written words. You just need to understand that your " gains" were mostly water as you chose to let your estradiol run rampant.

I am not assuming anything. I am taking what you wrote at face value. If you left things out now is your chance to make corrections.
tron is asking good questions..

im more worried about what your diet looked like on cycle?? and what it looked like in pct??
You got bloat because you didnt use an Aromatase Inhibitor. Most likely your estradiol was elevated. SERMs do not inhibit aromatization at all. So a lot of your "gains" were water which is why you are losing your "gains".

You only said that you used hCG between your last injection and PCT. You didn't say you used it during your 8 week cycle. hCG is used during a cycle to help prevent testicular atrophy which helps one recover their Natty T faster during PCT.

You probably had libido issues due to not managing estradiol or Prolactin. If you werent going to use an Aromatase Inhibitor, a dopamine agonist was essential. Having a limp dick due to elevated Prolactin is no fun.

I didn't detect a tone in my written words. You just need to understand that your " gains" were mostly water as you chose to let your estradiol run rampant.

I am not assuming anything. I am taking what you wrote at face value. If you left things out now is your chance to make corrections.

I get your point though, its water weight. I just figured by the 2 week washout period of using test prop the bloat should have subsided.

I think you pretty much just skimmed through what i wrote. I can understand that though.
But i clearly wrote:
Did you use a Dopamine Agonist?

No because i had no libido issues

and you replied:
You probably had libido issues due to not managing estradiol or Prolactin. If you werent going to use an Aromatase Inhibitor, a dopamine agonist was essential. Having a limp dick due to elevated Prolactin is no fun.

Just like i never said i did not use hCG in cycle, and you asked me why i didnt lol
tron is asking good questions..

im more worried about what your diet looked like on cycle?? and what it looked like in pct??

I ate 500kcal in surplus with 25/25/50 ratio, 50 being the carbs. 200g prot per day approximately. High carb since it was tren and people keep saying tren is a good carb shuttler.

The 500kcal surplus is relative what im used to maintain on off cycle. I dont have a constant caloric intake level because i measure my activites and adjust accordingly. Some days im sedentary and others im alot more active

Im doing 30/35/35 now, still being in surplus.

Again i havent lost the strength i gained, i was merely concerned about the weight drop. And the PCT protocol since it makes me feel lethargic, unwilling to do anything and just generally shitty. I have no erection issues or anything though
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